Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science - Election results for the 2022–2024 mandate
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Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science - Election results for the 2022–2024 mandate

Discover the results for the most recent CBCS elections 

In early 2022, the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science held elections for Nucleus positions for the mandate 2022–2024. 


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Paul Evans

Professor of Cardiovascular Science, Head of the Vascular Biomechanics Lab & Lead for the Cardiovascular Disease Theme, Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


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Rosalinda Madonna

Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist Department of Department of Surgical, Medical, Molecular and Critical Area Pathology of University of Pisa, Italy, Adjunct Assistant Professor Internal Medicine, Cardiology Division University of Texas Medical School in Houston, Texas, Cardiologist Consultant , Pisa, Italy


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Carol Ann Remme

Associate Professor and Principal Investigator, Department of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Research Group: Basic and Translational Cardiac Electrophysiology