Basic Science Summer School 2017
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Basic Science Summer School 2017

The Basic Science Summer School is organised every two years at the European Heart House (Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France) by the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science with the contribution of the Scientists of Tomorrow.

The Basic Science Summer School is a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with expert faculty and representatives of pharma. The course gives a broad overview of the cardiovascular science from the basic concept to the translation to patients and provides advocacy and advice to build and develop a scientific career. The participants also share their experience and have the opportunity to present their own work during daily poster sessions.

This year the Basic Science Summer School was held from the 18-22 of June, with 30 faculties, 73 participants (over 170 applicants) from 30 different countries all over Europe with participants from Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Moldavia, Ukrainian and Russia.

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