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ESC Mentoring

Your online mentoring platform for one-to-one access to global mentors and mentees!

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Dr_Hady_Atef.jpg“I am grateful for the previous mentorship experiences I had, they allowed me to establish valuable connections and clarify my future goals. Under the guidance of my experienced supervisor, I received targeted mentorship towards my specific career objectives.”

Dr. Hady Atef, 
Member of the ESC Board Committee for Young Cardiovascular Professionals 2022-2024.

Sign up to ESC Mentoring here

What's on offer? 



ESC mentoring platformESC Mentoring is an easy-to-use digital mentoring platform, giving you one-to-one access to mentors and mentees from across the world. It is the nexus where growth, collaboration and empowerment converge, facilitating your journey towards achieving your professional goals with utmost efficacy. While the benefits of this mentorship programme are manifold, its primary aims are to:

  • Deliver a simple and intuitive digital platform to facilitate longterm mentee/mentor relationships, wherever in the world our community works.
  • Offer profile creation and search filters that enable a custom experience for both mentees and mentors.
  • Provide a nurturing and supportive programme, around the concept of members supporting each other.
  • Meet a genuine career development need expressed by the wider ESC Community: whether you are looking for support in career progression, upskilling, work-life balance, time management, etc.
  • Offer members a benefit that has real impact on their personal growth and achievement of career goals.

An intuitive interface gathering all necessary support and resources to get the best out of a year-long mentoring programme experience.


Mentee, mentor or both?

Sign up as a mentee

Becoming a mentee in ESC Mentoring is an opportunity worth seizing if you're seeking an online platform that provides year-round mentoring and allows you to maintain full control of your mentoring experience.

Listen to Assoc. Prof. Maria Rubini, FESC, as she shares insights into her journey with mentorship and its pivotal role in guiding her through crucial milestones in her career.



Sign up as a mentor

Becoming a mentor in ESC Mentoring is an opportunity to have an impact by giving back, guiding and nurturing the next generation of cardiovascular professionals while creating lasting connections. It is also a chance to access a flexible mentoring format to accommodate busy schedules. And overall, it is a unique way to continue your professional and personal growth!

Listen to Prof. Susanna Price, FESC, as she elaborates on the significant reasons why mentoring others holds profound meaning, especially for seasoned cardiovascular professionals.

Are you eligible?

ESC Mentoring is one of the multiple benefits exclusively available to members, so to be part of it, become an ESC or an Association member now.

Join the community

The role of mentee isn't restricted to members under 40 or in training. As long as you are an ESC Professional Member and/or a Silver/Gold Member of one of the ESC Associations, you are eligible to sign up as a mentee in the programme.

To become a mentor, you must be an ESC Professional Member and/or a Silver/Gold Member of one of the ESC Associations. However, we encourage in priority Fellows of the ESC, Fellows of an ESC Association or Emeritus Fellows to sign up as mentors.

Note that a mentor can be both a mentor and a mentee at the same time if desired.

Need further details about ESC Mentoring ?

Please check our ESC Mentoring dedicated FAQ in the ESC Help Centre or Contact us to get further support (Category > Other initiatives > Subcategory > ESC Young Community).