mission statement and intended audience
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What is the mission and objective of this website and who is it for?

Mission statement

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Corporate Website ( strives to provide health professionals working in the field of cardiovascular disease and prevention with information intended to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease through education, congresses, surveys and the publishing of journals and clinical practice guidelines.

Intended audience

The ESC Corporate Website provides information for the following groups of people:

  • Cardiologists
  • Cardiovascular Nurses
  • Researchers
  • Medical Students
  • General Practitioners
  • Members of the European Parliament implicated in health initiatives 
  • Members of the Press

Advertising on

The European Society of Cardiology does not contain any direct advertising of products or services.


The European Society of Cardiology is a professional medical society which is funded by its membership dues and the scientific activities and events it organises, such as congresses and seminars, scientific journals publishing, educational programmes (...).

Website Browser Compatibility

Despite continually striving to ensure the ultimate browsing experience for our website visitors, it could be that our websites do not display in your browser as we would like them to, especially if you are using an older version of Internet Explorer. 

This website is optimised for the latest versions of the following browsers:

  • Chrome (Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android)
  • Safari (Mac and iOS only, as the Windows version is being abandoned)
  • Firefox (Mac, Windows)
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera (Mac, Windows)