ESC Awards
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ESC Awards



Awards sponsored by the European Society of Cardiology illustrate the dedication of our Society to support original research and scientific excellence.

The  ESC is pleased to honour a certain number of individuals during ESC Congress in recognition of their outstanding achievements. 

ESC Gold Medal

The ESC Gold Medal of the European Society of Cardiology is the highest honour the Society can bestow on exceptional scientists for their contribution to cardiovascular medicine.

ESC Gold Medal winners >

Outstanding Achievement Award

Honouring basic researchers in the early stage of their careers.

Outstanding Achievement Award winners >

Young Investigators Awards

Selected for the outstanding quality of their work, four Young Investigators compete in front of a jury during the Young Investigators Awards Sessions.

Young Investigators Award winners >

Nursing/Allied Professional Investigator Award

This award aims to recognise significant contributions from new investigators in cardiovascular nursing and allied professions at the European level.

Nursing/Allied Professional Investigator Award winners >

Clinical Case Awards

The best cases submitted by cardiologists compete in the Clinical Case Awards session at ESC Congress.

Clinical Case Award winners >

Special Lectures of the ESC

The ESC chooses renowned scientists who, through original contributions and qualified investigation, are accepted by their peers as leading experts in their fields of knowledge.

They cover the areas of Clinical Cardiology, Interventional cardiology, Population Science and Basic Science. 

Special Lectures >

Moderated Poster Awards

The Moderated Poster sessions were composed of original top-rated abstracts. Presenters competed for the "best Moderated Poster".