HFA Board 2024-2026
Voting members
Executive Board members
- President: Prof. Marco Metra, IT
- President-Elect: Prof. Wilfried Mullens, BE
- Acting Past-President: Dr. Brenda Moura, PT
- Treasurer: Dr. Antonio Bayes Genis, ES
- Secretary: Prof. Gianluigi Savarese, SE
- Chairperson of the Clinical Section: Assoc. Prof. Marianna Adamo, IT
- Chairperson of the Basic Science Section: Prof. Sophie Van Linthout, DE
- Coordinator for National HF Societies and Working Groups: Dr. Amina Rakisheva, KZ
Ordinary Board members
- Prof. Dana Dawson, UK
- Andreas Flammer, CH
- Camille Hage, SE
- Mark Petrie, UK
- Alejandro Recio Mayoral, ES
- Stefan Stoerk, DE
- Peter Van Der Meer, NL
- Klaus Witte, DE
Non-voting members
Ex-officio members
- Chair of GRASP-HF: Prof. Ovidiu Chioncel, RO
- Editor-In-Chief of European Journal of Heart Failure: Prof. Michael Boehm, DE
- Editor-In-Chief of ESC Heart Failure: Prof. Piotr Ponikowski, PL
- Chair of ESC Working Group on Myocardial Function: Prof. Wolfgang Linke, DE
- Chair of ESC Working Group on Myocardial & Pericardial Diseases: Prof. Carsten Tschoepe, DE
Appointed members
- Chairperson of HFA DEI Committee: Dr. Brenda Moura, PT
- Chairperson of HF 2025 Congress: Prof. Petar Seferovic, RS
- Chairperson of HFA Young Committee: Assoc. Prof. Jozine Ter Maaten, NL
- Chairperson of HFA ICARe-HF Committee: Prof. Maurizio Volterrani
ESC Staff
- ESC CEO: Mr. Jean-François Riffaud, FR
- HFA Association manager: Mrs. Alexandra Gamard Henry, FR
HFA Board 2022–2024
Executive Board members
- Acting President and President-Elect: Prof. Marco Metra, IT (voting)
- Acting Past-President: Prof. Piotr Ponikowski, PL (non-voting)
- Chairperson of the Clinical Section: Dr. Antonio Bayes Genis, SP (voting)
- Chairperson of the Basic Science Section: Assoc. Prof. Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti, IT (voting)
- Coordinator for National HF Societies and Working Groups: Dr. Brenda Moura, PT (voting)
- Secretary: Prof. Maurizio Volterrani, IT (voting)
- Treasurer: Prof. Ovidiu Chioncel, RO (voting)
Ordinary board members
Clinical science section
- Dr. Marianna Adamo, IT (voting)
- Dr. Stamatis Adamopoulos, GR (voting)
- Prof. Offer Amir, IL (voting)
- Prof. Mehmet Birhan Yilmaz, TR (voting)
- Prof. Alain Cohen-Solal, FR (voting)
- Prof. Finn Gustafsson, DK (voting)
- Dr. Amina Rakisheva, KZ (voting)
- Prof. Arsen Ristic, RS (voting)
- Assoc. Prof. Gianluigi Savarese, SE (voting)
- Mrs. Maggie Simpson, GB (voting)
- Dr. Hadi Skouri, LB (voting)
- Assoc. Prof. Mariya Tokmakova, BG (voting)
Basic Science section
- Assoc. Prof. Arantxa Gonzalez Miqueo, SP (voting)
- Prof. Thomas Thum, DE (voting)
- Prof. Sophie Van Linthout, DE (voting)
Ex-officio members
- CEO, European Society of Cardiology: Jean François Riffaud (non voting)
- Chair of ESC Working Group on Myocardial Function: Prof. Dana Dawson, UK (voting)
- Editor-In-Chief of ESC Heart Failure: Prof. Massimo Piepoli, IT (voting)
- Heart Failure 2023 Chairperson: Prof. Wilfried Mullens, BE (voting)
- Heart Failure 2024 Chairperson: Prof. Gerasimos Filippatos, GR (voting)
- Assoc. Prof. Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci, UK (non voting)
- Prof. Peter Van der Meer, NL (non voting)
- Prof. Mark Petrie, UK (non voting)
- Prof. Nicolas Girerd, FR (non voting)
- Prof. Carsten Tschöpe, DE (non voting)