Scientific Exchange Grants
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Scientific Exchange Grants

ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology

The ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology is proud to offer Scientific Exchange Grants (SEG) of €2,500 to selected applicants. The objective is to strengthen relations between research Institutions from different European countries.

2024-2025 Scientific Exchange Grant


The objective of the WG CCE Scientific Exchange Grant (SEG) is to strengthen relations between research institutions from different European countries. For this, a €2,500 grant will be attributed to a maximum of two members of the WG CCE to cover travel and accommodation costs to work for a minimal period of one month in an institution from a different European Country. 

Eligibility criteria

Candidates must be active in the area of cellular cardiac electrophysiology. All early career investigators, including PhD students and postdocs, are considered eligible candidates, but they must be accepted members of the Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (WGCCE). Previous SEG recipients are not eligible.

Candidates should move to a host laboratory different from their current laboratory and to a European country different from where their current laboratory is located. Current institution and host institution must be located in ESC Member Countries.


  • Monday, 9 September 2024: opening of online applications
  • Monday, 9 December 2024 (23:59 CET): deadline for online applications
  • Early February 2025: announcement of results
  • By end March 2025: grantees must have confirmed acceptance of the grant (the actual exchange must be undertaken within the 12 following months)

Application process

Candidates must complete the online application form including:

  • Information on candidate's current research in the field of cardiac electrophysiology (300 words)
  • Details of candidate's proposed project (300 words)
  • A statement on how candidate intends to use the SEG (300 words)
  • A statement that, if candidate does not use the SEG within 12 months after the official awarding date, she/he will be considered to have refused the SEG and no payment will be made

And provide the following supporting documents:

  • A one-page curriculum vitae and a list of publications
  • A letter of support from the host institution
  • A letter of support from current institution


  • All information and supporting PDF documents requested in the application form are mandatory.
  • Only applications in the English language will be accepted.

Applications must be submitted exclusively via an online form accessible from the applications section of your My ESC account. Once logged in, click on 'New Grant Application'.

Apply now

Review process

The review process will be coordinated by a panel of two members of the WG CCE Nucleus and two appropriate external reviewers (to be selected by the two members of the WG CCE Nucleus). The panel will assess the eligibility of the candidate and host institution. Members of this panel may not be involved in any of the submitted applications, either as supervisor of the applicant, or as proposed host institution.     

The grading will be based on four criteria:

  • Quality of the application
  • The scientific value of the proposed visit and value for the candidate’s future research career
  • Quality and suitability of the host laboratory 

Based on the scores, the WG Chairperson-Elect makes a proposal of the candidates to receive the grant(s). The proposal will be discussed during the next WG CCE Nucleus meeting, where the final decision will be taken. The WG Chairperson will sign the letters to the grantees and the non-grantees.

If a grantee does not use the SEG within 12 months after the official date of receiving the SEG to visit the host institution, the grantee will be considered as having refused the SEG and may no longer reclaim the SEG or reapply for a SEG in the future.

Payment of the Scientific Exchange Grant

The first payment, amounting to 60% of the SEG, will be made prior to the visit to the host institution upon receipt of a confirmation letter from the host institution including the dates of the exchange and accommodation/travel receipt, sent to the Grants Officer and in copy to the ESC Working Group mailbox The remaining 40% will be paid once the grantee has provided a final report (1-2 pages) signed by the director of the host institution and delivered via email to

Awardees' reports