Application Process for EACVI Research Grants
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Application Process for EACVI Research Grants

Applications are done via an online form exclusively - see application process and instructions below.

Application process

Application is done via an online form only. Applications by email will not be accepted. Paper applications will not be accepted.

The application period opens on 31 March; it closes on 30 September.

To access the application online form please log in to your My ESC account and select "New Application" in the "Grants" area. You may also go directly to the Grants area.

Important: the EACVI Research Grants application form will be available to you in the list only if you fulfill the eligibility criteria.

If you cannot access it although you are eligible, please contact us and explain your situation. Make sure to choose the category "Associations" and Sub-category "European Association of Cardiovascluar Imaging (EACVI)".

  • The applicant will be required to fill an online form and to download an application document (Word format). This document has two parts and should be completed and submitted via the dedicated form.
  • The application document has two parts (A & B): 
    • Part A: Applicant's profile & project proposal (to be filled in by the applicant)
    • Part B: Host institution (to be filled in by the host institution supervisor)
  • The applicant has to submit the completed Part A form and his/her CV to the Head of the Department (HOD) and to the proposed supervisor where the research would be held, with the request to complete Part B. The host institution will send back Part B to the applicant.
  • All (two) parts need to be uploaded in the online application form by the applicant.
  • Additionally the applicant must provide a CV in a European format.

Application deadline

The completed application form, including CV and documents parts A & B, must be submitted no later than 30 September.

Apply now

Rules for applications

Before applying, please read the EACVI Research Grants Rules & Regulations.

Purpose of the grant programme

To provide an opportunity for specialised research in the field of non-invasive imaging modalities (echocardiography, cardiovascular magnetic resonance, nuclear cardiology and cardiac computed tomography), in order to help young candidates obtain research experience in a high-standard academic centre in an ESC member country other than their own.

This programme aims to foster geographical mobility as well as cultural exchanges and professional practice in the field of cardiology.


Please note the following two rules when applying:

  • Only one candidate per hosting institution is allowed per year (should more than one candidate apply for the same institution and should they be in the final top scorers, only one - the highest scorer will be selected for that institution).
  • A hosting institution that has been selected in the winning candidates' application form cannot be chosen again for the following year (i.e. an institution cannot be selected two years in a row).

Eligible applicants for the grant are those who are:

  • Under 40 years old on the day of the application deadline AND
  • An EACVI Silver Member on the day the application is submitted
  • Citizens or residents for tax purposes of a country which is a regular ESC member country or an ESC Affiliated Cardiac Society country
  • Medical graduates at any stage in their career but before obtaining a “permanent”, “senior staff” or "consultant" post, or for science graduates with research experience up to junior investigator, lecturer, assistant professorship or equivalent level, whose work has been or is related to ultrasound research with potential clinical applications.
  • In agreement with a host institution
    1. outside their own country, other than the country in which they followed their initial medicine training
    2. which not only offers good research opportunities but is also the most appropriate for the particular research subject

IMPORTANT: The final validation of the application will be subject to visa acceptance (if necessary).

NOTE: Applicants who are in doubt about their eligibility are advised to contact the EACVI prior before submitting an application. Applicants are advised to read the explanatory notes carefully before submitting an application.


The grant covers a period of 12 months. The research period must start after completion of the whole application process (after receiving formal confirmation from the EACVI).

The grant programme must start before the end of the calendar year of the programme.

If necessary, the length of the research period may be extended, in which case the host institution will bear the costs.

Research periods shorter than 12 months will not be accepted.

Level of support

EACVI Research Grant recipients will receive a sum of €30,000 for one year for their daily subsistence. 

If for any reason the grant recipient has to stop his/her research period, the refund of the grant may be required pro rata.

The EACVI is unable to provide assistance with any visa formalities or expenses that would be required.


Subject of the project must correspond to the field of non-invasive imaging modalities (echocardiography, cardiovascular magnetic resonance, nuclear cardiology and cardiac computed tomography).


Notes on applying for an EACVI Research Grant

  1. Candidates should submit their applications in advance, preferably by early June, so that they may be advised of any missing elements in time to be able to contact those concerned. Applications that are received after the closing date and/or that are incomplete will not be accepted.
  2. The completed application has to be submitted no later than the 30 September.
  3. Candidates should read carefully the Rules and Regulations for EACVI Research Grants. An application which is not in accordance with these rules will not be considered. Submission of an application will be taken to imply acceptance of these conditions.
  4. Applications will be submitted for consideration exactly as received by the office. Applicants are therefore urged not to submit incomplete forms and take the responsibility that they may be rejected if this is the case. Applications must conform to the accepted lay-out in the electronic forms and provide the necessary information as requested in the form. Please make a careful selection of your documentation.
  5. Grant recipients whose projects require the use of radioactive substances in man, includes clinical trials and/or involves human subjects (whether patients or normal), should enclose evidence that the necessary approval has been sought/obtained.
  6. Applicants are asked to clarify with the Head of Department or Supervisor of the proposed host centre the necessary language requirements for the research period and should declare whether they are fluent enough in the requested language(s) in the application form.A candidate who already has a grant (irrespective of who is sponsoring him/her) cannot apply for an EACVI as no overlapping is accepted.
  7. Re-application
    A candidate can re-apply for an EACVI Research Grant in the following year based on the below criteria:
    1. If they have not already been awarded an EACVI Research grant
    2. If they have not been awarded a grant from the ESC or one of its constituent bodies during the same year
      This new application will be judged on an equal basis with other applicants
  8. Candidates need to check with the host institution if any specific requirements or restrictions apply in the host country, and it is their responsibility to make sure that they comply with these.