- Recommendations of the European Board for the Specialty Cardiology (EBSC) for Education and Training in Basic Cardiology in Europe
The Executive Committee of the European Board for the Specialty Cardiology
AJ Bayes de Luna FESC, P Block, G Breithardt FESC, A Chiercha, O Daniëls EFESC, L Kappenberger FESC, JP Letouzey, MC Petch EFESC, N Rehnqvist Ahlberg FESC, O Roedevand, J Widimsky FESC
European Heart Journal 1996 17, 996-1000
- Working Group Guidelines for prevention of thromboembolic events in valvular heart disease
Study Group of the Working Group on Valvular Heart Disease
C Gohlke-Barwolf EFESC, J Acar EFESC, CM Oakley FESC, E Butchart EFESC, D Burckhardt EFESC, E Bodnar EFESC, R Hall FESC, F Delahaye FESC, D Horstkotte FESC, R Kramer, HP Krayenbhhl, M Krzeminska-Pakula FESC, M Samama
European Heart Journal 1995 16, 1320 - 1330