ESC Prevention of CVD Programme: Risk assessment
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Risk assessment

ESC CVD Calculation Risk App

ESC CVD Calculation Risk App

Your CVD risk calculators in one app

  • Assess individual cardiovascular risk for different patient populations
  • Includes up to 10-year risk and lifetime risk calculators

Risk prediction tools

The article "Risk prediction tools in cardiovascular disease prevention" provides a summary of the available risk prediction algorithms and offers guidance on how to use them.

How to use risk predictions tools in daily practice

Use risk prediction tools to identify and motivate high risk patients and to assist your clinical decisions-making process

The SMART Risk Score

Easy-to-use, online tool to estimate 10-year risk for recurrent vascular events in patients with manifest cardiovascular disease.

How to approach your patient

This part shows cognitive behavioural methods as the effective ways to help people to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Individual risk assessment in secondary prevention for cardiovascular disease

Better individualised estimates of risk in patients with previous cardiovascular disease will enable more intensive treatment, motivation and follow-up in identified high-risk individuals.

The ESC Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease programme is supported by AMGEN, AstraZeneca, Ferrer for good, and Sanofi and Regeneron in the form of educational grants.