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on Career development

Focus on TITLE

Let the ESC enrich your professional pathway with a comprehensive array of outstanding tools, no matter what stage you are at in your career.

Expert advice is available for your professional development, including guidance on mentoring, research and training grants, postgraduate degrees, improving communication skills with patients, choosing the right exams and certifications, and much more in a dedicated track for young professionals.

The resources below, selected by Ronen Beeri, Susanna Price and Maria Rubini Gimenez, provide valuable insights to help fulfil your professional potential and make your mark in the field of cardiology. 


ESC Webinars

Shaping the future of cardiology: a comprehensive guide to lifelong learning and career excellence
27 February 2024
With Maria Rubini Gimenez, Donna Fitzsimmons, Tomasz Guzik, Christian Hassager, Stefano Nistri, Chris Plummer

Continuing Professional Development

Enhancing Career Development