- Lifestyle factors in diabetes care
- Pre-diabetes and progression towards diabetes
- Global diabetes prevalence
- Elderly person with need for deprescribing and targets re-set
- Young person with need for aggressive management for legacy effect- not reaching targets, time for another therapy
- Person not achieving tight targets despite triple therapy
- Type 2 patient on insulin having hypos, over treating then rebounding hyper’s effecting target achievement
- Patient lost lots of weight needs target re-setting and medications adjusting
- Fasting for Ramadan, affected HbA1c last year, hypo’s and hyper’s after iftaar
- Person who is achieving targets through diet
- Optimising cardiovascular risk factor control in a high risk patient
- How do I adjust my exercise prescription when my cardiac patient also suffers from type 2 diabetes mellitus?
- Case 1: Additional glucose-lowering drug to reach glycaemic target in cardiac patient
- Case 2: Additional glucose-lowering drug to reach glycaemic target in cardiac patient
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