Heart Failure Congress Grants
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Heart Failure Congress Grants

Heart Failure 2025, Belgrade & Online, 17 - 20 May

This year again, the HFA have supported the presentation of top-notch research at the congress by offering travel grants to abstract submitters around the world who have little or no access to funding or difficulties in obtaining financial assistance.


All applicants must meet two mandatory criteria: 

  • Be the first author of an abstract or clinical case accepted for presentation at Heart Failure 2025
  • Be a member of the HFA Young Community.

The following criteria will be considered during the selection process:

  • Age at time of application submission: priority has been given to younger applicants
  • Country of origin: priority has been given to applications from 'low-income' countries (as per World Bank Listing) 
  • Quality of abstract: priority has been given to top-graded abstracts
  • Profession: priority has been given to non-clinicians

Each individual grant includes

  • Free onsite registration to Heart Failure 2025 in Belgrade
  • Travel allowance of €400

Applications & Timeline

Applications are now closed.

Results will be announced in March 2025.

Applicants may also check the status of their application by logging into their My ESC account. 

Feedback from past awardees

Sofiya Lypovetska


"Take part in Heart Failure Congress means to be in the epicenter of scientific progress, to have access to the latest results of new trials and to experience communication in the atmosphere of mutual understanding, respect and intelligence with colleagues all over the world.

Continued medical education is the most important background for a perfect medical career.  Participation in such Congress is one of the most effective ways to support this. "


Doctor Kittipibul Veraprapas

kittipibul-veraprapas-2017.jpg"This congress provided the latest and in-depth knowledge in heart failure field and gathered HF experts from all over the world.

This was the best opportunity for me to get inspired by the most successful people in this field and start a collaboration with worldwide investigators.

This kind of event represents the future of our field."


Doctor Edit Gara

gara-edit-2017.jpg"Heart Failure congress was a unique occasion to widen my professional network and to get in touch with leading specialists.

The congress was an inspiring experience which helped me to better understand the latest innovations in translational cardiology and in everyday clinical practice."



Doctor Moséstia Machava

machava-david-mosestia-2017.jpg"My participation in this Congress has improved the quality of my services to my patients as well as my therapeutic and diagnostic approach.

I learned about new therapies and diagnostics and I had the opportunity to make contacts with other colleagues who encouraged me to be more participatory in the European registry of peripartum cardiomyopathy."


Dina Shorikova


"It was the practical opportunity to learn new information and make valuable contacts.

According to my opinion, there are three main reasons for a young cardiologist to take part in the Congress: high educational level, high scientific level and a high level of international collaboration."


Jamol Uzokov


"I have learned from the largest gathering of innovative cardiovascular products and services as well as hands-on techniques and scientific advices for my daily practice.

By attending this Congress, young cardiologists will learn how to present their research results during international meetings and they will be stimulated to work on new projects."


Aiste Monika Jakstaite

jakstaite-aiste-monika-2017.jpg"Heart Failure Congress gave me the possibility to present my poster and to interact with other participants. This experience led to the development of new ideas and personal goals.

Here the importance of scientific work is underlined and it proves that a person cannot only be a clinician but also a scientist, who is always seeking for new ideas and possibilities."

Mohammad Mostafa Ansari Ramandi

ansari-ramandi-mohammad-mostafa-2017.jpg"The Congress has opened new paths for my future work and has given me new ideas and topics on which I can focus my future research. Attending HF congress was actually one of the most important factors which helped in my professional development.

This congress is a place where young cardiologists can get science, practice, research and guidelines all together with the advantage of meeting professionals from all over the world. For sure heart failure congress is something you should not miss."


Bermet Kurmanbekova


"The participation in Congress allowed me to gain confidence in my possibilities and contributed to my development of clinical thinking and broadening horizons in the scientific sphere.

Every congress day was full of interesting lectures, reports, and the atmosphere was very friendly."


Daria Kashtanova


"The Congress was a great opportunity to learn more about modern devices in cardiology and also to hear interesting reports and get new ideas.

I believe that the main reason for a young cardiologist to take part in the Congress is the chance to have unique, personal, and insightful conversations with the masters of cardiology and specialists in the field of heart failure."


Maria Simonenko


"Attending Heart Failure Сongress gave me an incredible opportunity to boost my career.

I believe that the participation in Heart Failure Congress is an amazing  and especially useful experience for young cardiologists."



Ekaterina Kruchinkina

kruchinkina-ekaterina-2017.jpg"The knowledge gained was useful in writing my scientific articles. ESC congresses and meetings allow establishing contacts with researchers from other countries, to share your knowledge and experience, to improve the level of the foreign language. "





Nino Latsabidze

latsabidze-nino-2017.jpg"The participation to Heart Failure Congress gave me the opportunity to learn updated information about heart failure, which gives me great help in everyday clinical practice."




Katarzyna Holcman

katarzyna-holcman-2017.jpg"Receiving a grant from Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology  is an exceptional privilege. Coming to the Heart Failure Congress  was  an opportunity to share my research, network and enhance clinical knowledge. Young cardiologists should attend the Congress to gain essential knowledge about heart failure management and diagnosis, as well as to be exposed to scientific excellence."


Aysha Gomaa

"It was a great privilege for me to participate at this Congress and to meet experts in the field and learn from them.

Encouraging young doctors to attend such events will allow them to build-on their medical knowledge and provide them updated information about cardiology advance."


Rudy Natividad

"Thanks to my attendance to the congress and the presentation of our research to the international community I was invited again to be part of a research team for another scientific paper.

This experience has given me the confidence to present in front of a large public and new opportunities for scientific research."