I am a Moderator in an Abstract Live session - Heart Failure congress
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I am a Moderator in an Abstract or Clinical Case Live Session

Heart Failure 2021 online and on demand, 29 June – 1 July

You have been invited to moderate a Live Abstract or Clinical Case Session, encourage the interaction between the presenters and the audience, provide expert opinion and stimulate the discussion on the research presented within the time imparted to each.
As coordinator of the session, you’ll need to facilitate and drive the conversation with the abstract presenter, review comments and questions coming from the audience and pose them to the presenter.

  • Moderators and Abstract Presenters are invited to join the live session platform 15 minutes prior to the live broadcast time. An ESC Staff will be available to go through the running order of the session and reply to your questions if any.
  • Please decide between the two moderators who will lead the Q&A for each presentation to ensure the responsibility is shared.
  • Each abstract presenter will share his/her presentation slides (5 slides max) and present for 3 minutes. Following this, there will be an open, informal discussion of the abstract/Clinical case for 3 minutes.
  • You are required to ensure the Abstract / Clinical Case Live Session starts, run and end on time, to have questions prepared for the abstract presenters (you will receive their presentations 1 week before the event), and relay incoming questions from the virtual audience received on the chat.