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EHJ - Digital Health

The European Heart Journal Digital Health (EHJDH) is the official digital health journal of the European Society of Cardiology.

It covers the whole sphere of cardiovascular medicine, from all perspectives of digital health.

Find out more

Register for ESC Digital Summit

Online, 22 - 24 October 2021

Everything you need to know about digital health, in one place

Discover the NEW tools for cardiovascular technology that will be showcased, including: Apps and wearables (mobile health), Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning for decision support, virtual and augmented reality (AR) and robotics.

Insights from big tech on global trends in digital health
  • What are the challenges and growth drivers in digital health?
  • Where are health systems spending their budgets?
  • What are the four trends that will impact clinical practice for cardiologists?

Watch this short video with Rowland Illing, Director and Chief Medical Officer at Amazon Web Services.


Digital health is the new normal.

But how can you separate futuristic hype from essential realities for you and your patients?

Whether you’re a digital health enthusiast or just curious to find out more, ESC Digital Summit is a great opportunity to stay abreast and learn something new.

Martin Cowie explains more in this short video.




Registration is now closed


From 9 November all presentations will be available on ESC 365 to ESC Professional Members and FESC at anytime.

CME Credits: the certificate will be available from 18 November and will be based on the real-time tracked spent viewing scientific videos from 22 October until 8 November. See how to receive your CME certificate.


Digital Discovery - Complimentary offer

Discover what the Digital Summit is all about with complimentary access to all sessions on Day 1, Friday 22 October from 14:20 to 19:20.  Discover the sessions on Day 1.

Registration is closed.

Full Digital Summit Offer - Registration

To receive CME credits, access all on-demand content for free until 8 November and watch all 30 + sessions live.

Full Congress Fees
(Incl. 20% VAT)*

Early fee

until 15 September

Late fee

from 16 September until 24 October

Standard fee    €120 €150

Standard fee Young under 40 years

 Eligibility & Details

Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries

 Eligibility & Details

€60 €80


You will be asked to sign in to your My ESC Account. If you do not have a My ESC Account, you will need to create one during the registration process. This will take you two minutes to fill in. Need help?
Find out more about the MY ESC Account.

Registration for Healthcare companies and Third-Party Agencies

To register your delegates there is one unique registration fee that will enable you to purchase access codes that you will then provide to your invited delegates. The fee is € 120 (including 20% VAT) per registration and is valid until the group registration closing date 16 August 2021.

To comply with the French anti-gift law (article L. 1453-11 of the French Public Health Code) and to respect the timeline for declaration or application to the French Regional Health Agency:

  • Third Party: For orders from 1 to a maximum of 16 registrations the deadline is 15 October. It is the responsibility of the agency/industry to process a declaration to the French Regional Health Agency at least 8 days before the congress starting date.
  • Groups: For orders over 16 registrations, the deadline is 16 August allowing each group registration entity to fulfill their obligations of application for authorization to the French Regional Health Agency. Please carefully read the group registrations terms and conditions for more details and information.

Please note that Healthcare companies or third-party agencies cannot use a delegate’s “My ESC account” or create a delegate “My ESC account” for registering their delegates.

General Conditions

Press and Media partners

Our press and media partners are also welcomed to join our congress.

Learn more about Press Accreditation and Registration


There are fraudulent websites, companies and individuals who falsely claim or imply that they are partners of the ESC. Please be aware that registration is handled by the ESC registration team only. The ESC does not accept any responsibility for bookings made via unofficial websites/agencies or any monies lost as a result. This website is the official and only congress website.

Also of interest

Scientific Programme

Highlights the most relevant issues in the diagnosis, management and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

See more
NEW Member Home

Become an ESC Professional Member to benefit from member exclusives during the congress.

Find out more
CME Credits and Certificates of Attendance

ESC Digital Summit will apply for accreditation to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).

See more