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Pitstop! Cardiovascular Health Check at ESC Congress 2024

Get a quick and efficient reading of your CV risk

STOP! Pull into the CV Health Check Pitstop where a simple test will give you your risk for CVD. This quick and easy test will not only give you a status on your own health, but help you learn more about the value of screening and what you can do to help implement this in your country. #CVHealthForAll

What is the CV Health Check?

The CV Health Check Pitstop is located in the north hall, just after the main auditorium. The Pitstop will be open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during congress hours.

Blood pressure measurement

Closeup,Woman,Hand,Self,Monitoring,On,Pulse,Oximeter,,Healthcare,ConceptYour pitstop health check will include four tests in two parts.

This is a standard test using a finger Blood Pressure monitor. 

As you know, to ensure an accurate measurement you will need to have been resting for 10-15 minutes before the test, but there will be plenty to keep you entertained while you wait!

Blood test

Doctor making blood sugar test in clinicA pin prick at the tip of the finger will provide a blood sample to test for the following: 

  1. Lipids: measures the level of fat (cholesterol and triglycerides) LDL (bad cholesterol) HDL (good Cholesterol) Triglycerides and Total Cholesterol.
  2. HbA1c: measures average blood glucose levels in the blood for the last 2-3 months (no need to fast like the glycemia test) and blood sugar (glucose) attached to your haemoglobin.
  3. Lp(a): is low density lipoprotein variant containing a protein called apolipoprotein(a). Genetic and epidemiological studies have identified Lp(a) as a risk factor for atherosclerosis and related diseases, such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

Your results 

You will receive the result of your tests within 20 minutes of taking the test. You can wait in the lounge area, or come back at a time that is convenient to you. A team will be available to review your results and provide guidance should you require it.  

Why a CV Health Check at ESC Congress? 

CVD is the world’s number one killer but very few countries have a plan in place to tackle it. However many cardiovascular diseases are preventable. Evidence shows that screening:

  • supports early detection and diagnosis in health systems
  • simplifies and streamlines diagnostic process for CVD prevention
  • ensures clinicians can better support patients to adopt a proactive approach to heart health 

That is why the ESC is calling for policy makers to action ‘Cardiovascular & Diabetes Health Checks’ to be implemented in all countries as part of National Cardiovascular Health Plans. #CVHealthForAll

We need YOU to spread the word!

Share your experience

Show your support for investment in Cardiovascular Health Checks by sharing your Pitstop experience at ESC Congress on your social media channels using #CVHealthForAll. The more people who know screening is a quick and easy way to support prevention, the more policy makers will listen. 

Sign the heart health petition

The entire cardiovascular community is supporting a global petition to prioritise heart health and call for national CV Health Plans. It takes two minutes to sign and every voice counts. 

Sign the petition

Know your CV numbers

Data supporting the need for screening as part of a wider Cardiovascular Health Plan is a great way to convince your institution, budget owners and policy-makers that screening saves lives. The ESC Atlas of Cardiology contains a wealth of country specific data, easily downloadable graphs and charts that will support your advocacy efforts at home.

Call by the ESC Exchange Area to find out more data on your country's CV statistics.

Access ESC Atlas of Cardiology   

Want to know more about the ESC’s call for CV Health Plans?

Read the joint document together with the Presidency of the EU Council.