Partner Overview: ESC Congress
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Partner Overview

ESC Congress 2025 together with World Congress of Cardiology, Madrid & Online, 29 August - 1 September


Take part in activities organised by our industry partners.

Exhibition - At the heart of the congress

Bubbles-Exhibition-ESCCongress-2025.jpg.png The exhibition area is the ideal place to meet key industry leaders and learn about the latest developments in cardiovascular products and therapies

You will be able to navigate through the various stands in the vibrant exhibition area and conduct enriching face to face interactions with industry partners by taking part in their stand activities. 

The ESC gratefully acknowledges companies and organisations who contributed to the success of ESC Congress 2024. 

Satellite Symposia - Discover cardiovascular developments

Session-ESC-Congress 2025.pngHosted by key industry partners, you will be able to listen to top experts who will review and illustrate findings from recent trials which will shape the future of cardiology. Attend the Satellite Symposia sessions to hear about pertinent data on cardiovascular developments and innovative solutions.

Tutorials - Where theory meets practice

Tutorials-ESC-Congress 2025.pngDuring the congress, you can participate in tutorials that provide excellent opportunities for hands-on and/or one-on-one learning from clinical and technical experts on a specific area of expertise, enabling delegates to address challenges that they encounter in their daily practice. 

Take part in industry tutorials by registering with partners on their stand in Madrid. 

Digital health area - How new technologies are transforming healthcare

Exhibition-Digital-Health-ESC-Congress-1500x1000.pngThe dedicated Digital Health Area to is the place to visit the stands of industry partners working on the latest cutting-edge technology. Attend the scientific sessions to hear about digital transformation and its implications on daily practice.

ESC 365 - Your cardiology knowledge hub

All presentations from ESC Congresses are available on ESC 365, your cardiology knowledge hub. Relive Industry Sponsored Sessions from ESC Congress all year round.


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Get in touch with the ESC Industry Partnership Team.

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