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About the congress

ESC Cardio-Oncology 2025, Florence (Italy), 20 - 21 June

Join us for the first edition of a unique event

Organised by the ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology, the conference aims to create synergies between specialists from related disciplines for better care and outcomes of oncology patients and cancer survivors treated with cardiotoxic cancer therapies or radiotherapy.

Join us for the first edition of a unique event

The field of cardio-oncology represents a critical intersection between cardiology, oncology and haematology, becoming increasingly common in clinical practice.

The care of patients with both cardiovascular disease and cancer requires specific individual skills and highlights the importance of teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration. 


Experts-Guidelines-ESC-Cardio-Oncology.pngThe ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology was created to address these challenges and has the mission to promote the optimal management of cardiovascular diseases in patients with cancer to ensure uninterrupted treatment.

The 2022 ESC Guidelines on cardiooncology have set the standards of cardio-oncology care. The subsequent ESC Core Curriculum for cardio-oncology has provided the principles to integrate basic cardio-oncology knowledge into practice.



It is now time to gather the medical community into a unique international cardio-oncology meeting

Ask-Question-speakers-ESC-Cardio-Oncology.pngESC Cardio-Oncology 2025 will feature a dynamic and interactive programme, highlighting real-world clinical cases, how-to sessions, and the latest advances in the field.

We are excited to introduce a special session, the 'Virtual Guideline Taskforce' Session, where we will present clinical challenges and engage the audience in an interactive voting process to simulate new guideline recommendations. This innovative session aims to foster engagement and practical learning.



Presenter-woman-ESC-Cardio-Oncology.pngThe call for abstracts will open on 19 November 2024 and close on 30 January 2025. We encourage you to submit your research and contribute to the scientific excellence of our conference.

We are particularly proud to introduce the inaugural Cardio-Oncology Young Investigation Award to recognise outstanding contributions by young investigators in the field.




Audience-Question-365-ESC-Cardio-Oncology.pngWith over 20 scientific sessions led by the world's leading faculties, we are confident that this conference will provide valuable learning and networking opportunities.

In the exhibition area, industry leaders will showcase the latest innovations and products, fostering additional collaboration between clinicians and industry.





We look forward to welcoming you to Florence and to your active participation at ESC Cardio-Oncology 2025. Together, we can advance in this field and improve patient care worldwide.

See you in Florence!


Teresa Lopez
ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology Chairperson 2024 - 2026
ESC Cardio-Oncology 2025 Conference Chairperson

Alexander Lyon
ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology Past-Chairperson 2024 - 2026
ESC Cardio-Oncology 2025 Conference Chairperson

Pietro Ameri
ESC Cardio-Oncology 2025 Local Host Italy

Carlo Di Mario
ESC Cardio-Oncology 2025 Local Host Florence