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ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2024, Athens, from 08 to 10 March

For all healthcare professionals involved in acute cardiac care: update your skills at ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2024!

Research methodology

Key opinion leaders will guide you on what you need to know to design an observational study in acute cardiovascular care setting and submit a successful abstract.

The course will be divided in frontal lectures and in practical research workshop where the attendees, divided in small groups, will design a project synopsis under supervision of experienced trialists.


This workshop is divided into 3 parts:

Friday 08 March


Saturday 09 March


10:15 - 11:45

Part 1 – session programme

08:30 - 10:00

Part 2 - session programme



15:50 - 17:20

Part 3 - session programme


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: by registering for this workshop, you commit to attending all 3 sessions. To register for this workshop, you first need to register for ESC Acute CardioVascular Care Congress 2024.


New! Cardiogenic shock escape room

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: No registration is required for this workshop, places will be assigned on a first come first served basis. A maximum of 28 participants is allowed for each session (divided into 4 groups of 7).

To learn how to:
- incorporate key critical care cardiology concepts for management of cardiogenic shock, including indications for early revascularization and appropriate revascularization strategies, appropriate selection of vasoactive medications, and indications for respiratory support;
- evaluate indications and interpret haemodynamic parameters for patients with deteriorating cardiogenic shock, employing appropriate classifications for their shock phenotypes and severity
- integrate decision-making elements - such as advanced life support in critical care cardiology settings -  for patients with cardiogenic shock who need escalation of therapies.


3 repeated sessions will be held during the congress:

Friday 08 March


Saturday 09 March


16:20 - 17:20

Session programme

10:50 - 11:50

Session programme



14:35 - 15:35

Session programme

New! Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Registration will be possible onsite. A maximum of 6 participants is allowed for each Basic Life Support session, and a maximum of 4 participants is allowed for each Advanced Life Support session. 

Participate in a life-saving skills refresher workshop organized in partnership with the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and stay updated on the latest CPR-AED guidelines provided by the ERC.
The sessions will focus on state-of-the-art advanced (ALS) techniques applicable in in-hospital scenarios for a better understanding of the importance of teamwork and coordination during resuscitation efforts.
Qualified instructors will guide you through this hands-on training , and you will have the opportunity to seek feedback and clarification on any doubts you may have.
A certificate of attendance will be provided by ERC after the congress.


2 themes will be repeated 3 times during the congress - CPR basic life support, and CPR advanced life support:

Friday 08 March


Saturday 09 March


13:05 - 14:35

CPR basic life support

8:30 - 10:00

CPR basic life support

16:20 - 17:50

CPR advanced life support

10:35 - 12:05

CPR advanced life support



13:25 - 14:55

CPR basic life support



16:20 - 17:50

CPR advanced life support


New! How to make a home-made phantom for invasive procedures

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: No registration is required for this workshop, places will be assigned on a first come first served basis. A maximum of 8 participants is allowed for each session. 

In the ICU, being able to perform invasive procedure is a very important skill. To improve your technique you need real hands-on training. Unfortunately commercial phantoms are expensive and not available in all hospital setting. The solution is to build your home made phantoms, with every day materials you can reuse or redo in a easy way.

The aim of this workshop is to review the literature on the topic and to provide a simple method to obtain high quality phantoms.

Download the slides of the workshop


4 repeated sessions will be held during the congress:

Friday 08 March


Saturday 09 March


14:15 - 15h15

Session programme

10:35 - 11:35

Session programme



14:35 - 15:35

Session programme



16:20 - 17:20 Session programme