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Call for Clinical Cases

ACNAP 2025, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 12 - 14 June

Transform your expertise into acknowledgment! Now is the moment to present your most instructive cases.


Poster-Woman-Micro-ACNAP-2025.png - Gain insights from global experts in the field
 - Forge valuable connections for upcoming projects
 - Enhance your practice and progress in your career


The submission deadline is Thursday, 13 February 2025 12:00 noon CET

Submit Today

Mark your calendar with key dates

  • Tuesday, 3 December 2024- Opening clinical cases submissions
  • Thursday, 13 February 2025 – 12:00 noon CET - Clinical cases submission deadline
  • Mid-March 2025 - Clinical cases results announcement online. An email will also be sent to each submitter.

Prepare your submission

Your clinical case must be clear, educational, practical and real.

The purpose of a clinical case presentation is to communicate diagnostic reasoning in the light of the current ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines providing a clear description of the patient’s condition and further management options based on these guidelines.

Your case needs to be educational and not necessarily rare or unusual.

Please consult: 

Presentation formats

All presenters will be required to present their research onsite in Sophia-Antipolis.

Selected clinical cases will be assigned to dedicated sessions.

Each session will be built to give the maximum visibility to the work and the opportunity for exchange and interactions with peers and key opinion leaders.

ACNAP Clinical Case Excellence Award

The best cases will be presented in this Award session which will be held onsite chaired by faculty members. Each finalist will present the key points of his/her research. Each presentation will be followed by a Questions & Answers period led by a panel of experts who will judge the presentations and determine the winner.

Finalists are required to present their research onsite in Sophia-Antipolis.

The winner will receive an award certificate and a free registration for ACNAP Congress 2026.

Cases will be selected and assigned by the Scientific Programme Committee. Eligible cases not selected for the Award session, will still be considered for inclusion in the General Programme selection. 

Oral Clinical case sessions

Best rated clinical cases will be featured in dedicated Clinical Case sessions organised during the event to allow you to interact with the presenters and expert discussants.