Scientific Programme - Acute Cardiovascular Care Congress
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Scientific Programme

ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2025, Florence, 14 - 15 March

Browse through the Scientific Programme and bookmark your sessions of interest.

See the Scientific Programme 

Programme times are displayed in local time in Florence.


Smiling-Audience-ACVC.pngThe scientific programme will highlight the latest cardiovascular science to improve daily practice of acute cardiovascular care professionals from cardiologists, intensivists, anaesthesiologists, internists, cardiac surgeons, nurses, to paramedics and other allied professionals who care for acutely ill cardiac patients.

Get a sneak peek of the programme

Very attractive sessions (including voting from the audience)

Gaming sessions (including voting from the audience)

New this year!

Myths and facts in acute cardiovascular care: fact checking by the audience

Further to the success of the first edition of the Acute cardiac care jeopardy in 2024, an additional gaming session has been included to the programme.

This sessions aims to learn how to share different perspectives to address challenging acute cardiac care cases integrating pathophysiology and clinical data with available evidence; and to review the current knowledge on key critical care cardiology topics through gaming actively engaging the audience by direct participation.

See the session programme

Machine troubleshooting workshop

To level up knowledge about certain devices with an in-depth workshop during 1 hour held by experts explaining the device to the participants in small groups. Expect a high level of interactivity between the experts and the audience.

This workshop is repeated eight times during the congress.

Audience is limited, no pre-registration is required. 

Cardiogenic shock and Cardiac arrest tracks

The Cardiac Arrest and the Cardiogenic Shock tracks are dedicated series on the topic including symposia held by experts in the field, along with hands-on workshops, simulation and gaming sessions in order to provide in-depth insights into Cardiac Arrest / Cardiogenic Shock.

Discover the Cardiac Arrest track programme

Discover the Cardiogenic Shock track programme

ESC Acute Cardiovascular Care 2025 workshops

ESC Acute Cardiovascular Care Congress 2025 provides you with a unique opportunity to learn or update your skills:

  • NEW! Machine troubleshooting
  • Escape game on cardiogenic shock and on cardiac arrest
  • Simulation on cardiogenic shock and on cardiac arrest
  • Research methodology

Find out more

Presentations by leading global experts, covering the entire spectrum of acute cardiac care

Audience-ACVC-1500x1000.pngIncluding acute coronary syndromes, acute heart failure, reperfusion and revascularisation, mechanical circulatory support in shock or pre-shock, management of arrhythmias in the acute setting, refractory cardiac arrest, acute venous thromboembolism, cardiothoracic intensive care, secondary prevention, with a particular focus on antithrombotic therapy, lipid-lowering, and anti-diabetic strategies.

Abstracts & Clinical Cases presentations

Presenter-Moderated-eposter-ACVC-1500x1000.pngThe congress highlights innovative research and case presentations. Presenters discuss findings with peers and international experts in dedicated field of expertise. Presenting work allows engagement with fellow researchers, key opinion leaders, potential co-investigators and mentors in your field.
It also gives your work long-term visibility.

See more and submit now!