EXPERT Training Tool
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Exercise-based rehabilitation is of significant importance to patients with cardiovascular disease or those at risk of CVD. It can contribute to:

  • better CVD risk factor control
  • improved quality of life
  • reductions in hospitalisation frequency
  • cost effectiveness

Keep your professional skills sharp by completing a growing set of fictive and predetermined cases of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) with different levels of complexity in the EXPERT Training Tool. Compare your views for these cases with the ones provided by the EXPERT Training Tool, and thus, stay up-to-date with the latest EAPC and ESC exercises and rehabilitation recommendations.

About the EXPERT Training Tool

The EXPERT Training Tool allows healthcare professionals to compare their exercise prescriptions to predetermined patient cases with the outcome of the its algorithm, developed according to EAPC and ESC guidelines and expert opinions of the EAPC EXPERT group members.

The EXPERT Training Tool is an interactive tool that also presents the rationale behind the outcome of the exercise prescriptions.

It is intended to be used for educational and training purposes only and any other use is not allowed and shall be at your sole responsibility. It assesses the user’s views for predetermined rehabilitation cases with respect to the ESC guidelines and the expert opinions of the EAPC EXPERT group members. These predetermined cases are of different levels of complexity and support an individual learning curve, and trigger reflection for your daily practice.

The EXPERT (Training) Tool Community

The CVD EXPERT network (supported by the project FWO-ICA G0F4220N) has more information on the practical use of and studies with both the EXPERT tool (decision support system in investigational settings) and the EXPERT Training Tool (in research and educational settings), and for other resources on promoting physical activity for cardiac patients. 

Get your EXPERT Training Tool license

Please note that the EXPERT decision support system is not available in the EXPERT Training Tool license. For more information on the EXPERT Tool Decision Support System (e.g. use in research studies) and collaboration enquiries regarding the EXPERT Tool in general, please contact the CVD EXPERT Network.

  • Individual License fee: 70€ excl. VAT
  • Licenses are valid for 12 months starting from the day of purchase, and are not refundable
  • Licenses are available to EAPC and ESC Members

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