Editorial - February 2025
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Editorial - February 2025

ESC Working Group on Atherosclerosis & Vascular Biology

Dear Colleagues from the Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology ESC Working Group,

We hope you have had a fantastic start to 2025! As we embark on another exciting year, we wish you continued success in all your professional and personal endeavours.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new X/Twitter page (@ESCWGAVBChair) and don’t forget to also join our LinkedIn group (#AtheroMatters) to stay connected with the community and engage in meaningful discussions. Those accounts will serve as key channels for sharing updates, promoting scientific discussions, and highlighting your achievements within the field of atherosclerosis and vascular biology.
In the spirit of continuous learning and engagement, we’ve curated a selection of outstanding articles to enrich our regular "Recommended Readings" section. These publications delve into pivotal topics in atherosclerosis and vascular biology and offer fresh insights as you navigate your projects this year:

  • Encompassing view of spatial and single-cell RNA sequencing renews the role of the microvasculature in human atherosclerosis. Bleckwehl T, Babler A, Tebens M, Maryam S, Nyberg M, Bosteen M, Halder M, Shaw I, Fleig S, Pyke C, Hvid H, Voetmann LM, van Buul JD, Sluimer JC, Das V, Baumgart S, Kramann R, Hayat S. Nat Cardiovasc Res. 2024 Dec 23. doi: 10.1038/s44161-024-00582-1. 
    Don’t miss the commentary by Soumaya Ben-Aicha & Elena Osto here
  • Association of Lipoprotein(a) With Changes in Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients Treated With Alirocumab. Koskinas KC, Häner J, Ueki Y, Otsuka T, Lonborg J, Shibutani H, Kakizaki R, Kaiser C, van Geuns RJ, Ondracek AS, Praz F, Ambühl M, Spirk D, Lanz J, Daemen J, Heg D, Mayr M, Mach F, Windecker S, Engstrøm T, Lang IM, von Eckardstein A, Losdat S, Räber L. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2024 Nov;17(11):e016683. doi: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.124.016683

Looking ahead, we’re excited about the 93rd EAS Congress, which will take place in Glasgow from 4 to 7 May 2025. The congress offers both in-person and virtual attendance options, providing flexibility for participants worldwide. The programme will feature the latest advancements in basic, translational, and clinical research into the causes of atherosclerosis and related vascular diseases, with discussions on how these findings influence clinical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. A key session, jointly hosted by ESC and EAS, will explore New Horizons in the Understanding of the Inflammatory Nature of Atherosclerosis. Early registration closes on 4 March 2025. For more information, please visit eas-congress.com/2025.

Additionally, registration for ESC Congress 2025 is open! ESC Congress 2025, together with the World Congress of Cardiology, will take place in Madrid from 28 August to 1 September. This is your chance to be part of the premier cardiovascular event of the year - a unique opportunity to present your research, network with top experts, and shape the future of cardiovascular science and medicine. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to connect with a global audience and share your innovative findings. Be sure to submit your best abstracts before 1 March to showcase your work at the largest cardiovascular congress worldwide.


Our mission remains steadfast: Advancing the science of atherosclerosis and vascular biology while fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Your feedback is essential to us. If you would like coverage of specific topics in future newsletters or have any suggestions to enhance our activities, please reach out to Luca Liberale (luca.liberale@unige.it) with the subject line: WG Atherosclerosis Vascular Biology. Your contributions and enthusiasm drive this working group forward.

Thank you for being an integral part of our community. We look forward to connecting with you online via X and LinkedIn (#AtheroMatters) or seeing you in person at one of the many exciting events this year!

Luca, Holger, Simon & Elena
On behalf of the ESC Working Group on Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology