Working Group Talk "COVID-19 and myocarditis: reality or fiction?"
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Working Group Talk "COVID-19 and myocarditis: reality or fiction?"

Live Online Event of the ESC WG on Myocardial Function

01/02/2022 15:30 01/02/2022 16:30 Europe/Paris Working Group Talk "COVID-19 and myocarditis: reality or fiction?"

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ESC Working Group on Myocardial Function DD/MM/YYYY
Myocardial Disease


COVID is still an important topic for Cardiologists around the world, and even more in developing countries where the pandemic will still be reality for many years. Is Covid Myocarditis reality or fiction? What about vaccines? Join this WG Talk to get some insights.

Interactive programme

COVID-19 and myocarditis: reality or fiction?

Chairpersons: Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti (IT) and Dana Dawson (UK)

Speaker: Dana Dawson
COVID-19 triggered myocarditis

Speaker: Marco Metra (IT)

Discussants: Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti (IT) and registered delegate*

Vaccination triggered myocarditis

Speaker: Stephane Heymans (NL)

Discussants: Dana Dawson (UK) and registered delegate*

Myocardial injury vs. myocarditis: a diagnostic & therapeutic challenge

Speaker: Valentin Fuster (USA)

Discussants: Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti (IT) and registered delegates*


Speaker: Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti (IT)