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Cardiovascular Round Table (CRT) Plenary "The future of clinical trials: towards diversity and inclusion"

Location: Steigenberger Herrenhof Hotel Vienna - Austria

05/07/2023 00:00 06/07/2023 00:00 Europe/Paris Cardiovascular Round Table (CRT) Plenary "The future of clinical trials: towards diversity and inclusion"

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A plenary meeting chaired by Dr. Harriette Van Spall and Prof. Faiez Zannad.

Industry Co Chairs: Dr. Kristine Buchholtz (Novo Nordisk), Prof. Martin Cowie (AstraZeneca), Dr. André Ziegler (Roche Diagnostics).

Objectives of the meeting

Inclusion and diversity are urgently needed in all aspects of clinical trials, and more generally of any type of generated evidence, that is generalisable to and trusted by the populations who are most likely to benefit from the treatments being studied.

Fostering an inclusive environment that engages a diversity of patient participants, sites, staff, investigators and leader trialists is vital.

This CRT plenary meeting is dedicated to identifying actionable steps that should be taken or promoted by the ESC and the various stakeholders promoting inclusivity and diversity that should drive meaningful and sustained change in clinical trials and all evidence-generation methods, with the aim of securing generalizability of their results as to benefit all patients across sex, gender, ethnicity, rural and urban environments, geographies, socioeconomic context and health care systems.

Improving inclusion and diversity in clinical trials is gaining much attention but few initiatives are being taken and little resources are put into making it happen.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3


Event Summary Slides

Programme & Slides Presented

View Faculty Biographies


DAY 1: 5 July 2023 - 13:00 - 18:45

Time Session Speaker
13:00 -  13:15 Welcome from CRT Chairpersons                                                                                 Prof. Thomas Luescher, ESC President-Elect Prof. Alexandra Goncalves (BMS) 
  Welcome from meeting Chairpersons Dr. Harriette Van Spall, Prof. Faiez Zannad and industry Chairpersons
13:15 - 13:30 Introductory Lecture: Age, ethnicity, and socio-economic deprivation in CVD: global registries and repositories. Recording to come Dr. Salim Yusuf (Zoom)
Session 1 – Trial representativeness matters Moderated by Dr. Harriette Van Spall & Prof. Martin Cowie (AstraZeneca) 
13:30 - 13:40   Defining representativeness in clinical trials: when is a trial diverse enough? Dr. Clyde Yancy (Zoom) 
13:40 - 13:50 Historically under-represented regions in cardiovascular clinical trials: why it matters Prof. Faiez Zannad
13:50 - 14:00 Ethnic representativeness in trials of cardiometabolic disease Prof. Kamlesh Khunti
14:00- 14:10 Why an ethnic representation matters: a trial fibrillation/stroke trials Dr. Eduard Shantsila
14:10 - 14:20 Pregnant and lactating women in clinical trials: overdue for inclusion Dr. Harriette Van Spall
14:20 - 14:30 Patient perspective Mr. Richard Mindham
14:30 - 15:10 Panel discussion All
15:10 - 16:00 Breakout session 1 – 2 groups – 45 mins
  • Group 1: Trial conduct and execution: How to assure geographical representativeness and include LMICs
Lead: Dr Kristine Buchholtz (NovoNordisk), Rapporteur: Prof. Habib Gamra 
  • Group 2: How to overcome international guidelines poor applicability in LMIC?
Lead: Prof. Eva Prescott  Rapporteur : Dr. André Ziegler (Roche Diagnostics)
Session 2 – DESIGNING TRIALS FOR REPRESENTATIVENESS  Moderated by Prof. Faiez Zannad & Dr. Kristine Buchholtz (NovoNordisk) 
16:20 - 16:30 Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to guide 21st century clinical trial enrollment: are we there yet?  Prof. Martin Cowie (AstraZeneca) 
16:30 - 16:40 Registry based trials: the ultimate platform for representative enrollment Assoc. Prof. Marion Mafham  
16:40 - 16:50
Adaptive recruitment and decentralized trial designs for clinical trial diversity Prof. Otavio Berwanger
16:50 - 17:00  Investigating heterogeneity of effect: Subgroup analysis: sin or opportunity? Prof. Eric Vicaut
17:00 - 17:10 Investigating heterogeneity of effect: Interim analysis to assess for representativeness: worth a try or just a tribulation? Dr. Lehana Thabane
17:10 - 17:50 Panel discussion Prof. Faiez Zannad, Dr. Harriette Van Spall, and speakers Dr. Maciej Kostrubiec (EMA) Dr. Fred Senatore (US FDA) (Zoom)
18:00 - 18:45  Breakout Session 2 – 2 Groups - 45 mins
  • Group 1: How industry can foster diverse enrollment in clinical trials: does trial design matter
Lead: Dr. Harriette Van Spall Rapporteur: Dr Thomas Hucko (Amgen)
  • Group 2: Should trial flow be stratified/reported by sex and ethnicity?
Lead & Rapporteur: Dr. Bettina Kraus (B-I)
18:45 – End of Day  1 - Outlook to Day 2

  DAY 2: 06 July 2023 - 08:15 - 12:30

Time Session Speaker
08:15 - 08:30 Summary of Day 1 – Outlook to Day 2 No slides Prof. Faiez Zannad, Dr. Harriette Van Spall and Industry Chairpersons
08:30 - 08:45 Report from breakout session 1 – 15mins Prof. Habib Gamra & Dr. André Ziegler (Roche Diagnostics)
08:45 - 09:00 Report from breakout session 2 – 15 mins No slides  Dr. Thomas Hucko (Amgen)  &  Dr. Bettina Kraus (B-I)
Session 3 - DIVERSITY IN CLINICAL TRIALS LEADERSHIP  Moderated by Prof. Faiez Zannad & Dr. André Ziegler (Roche Diagnostics)
09:00 - 09:10 Clinical trial leadership: where are the women? Dr. Michael Gibson
09:10 - 09:20 Meaningful engagement of sites and investigators in under-represented regions Prof. Habib Gamra
09:20 - 09:30 Developing clinical trial leaders for the 21st century No slides  Prof. Faiez Zannad with Dr. Guiomar Mendieta Badimon 
09:30 - 09:40 A map to close the diversity gap in clinical trial leadership Prof. Angela Maas & Mohamed B Jalloh (prerecording)
09:40 - 10:20 Panel discussion Prof. Faiez Zannad, Dr. Harriette Van Spall, and speakers
10:20 - 10:45 
10:45 - 11:30 Breakout Session 3 – 2 Groups - 45 mins
  • Group 1: Training the future generation of trialists with emphasis on diversity
Lead : Prof. Cecilia Linde Rapporteur : Prof. Martin Cowie (Astrazeneca)
  • Group 2: The role of industry sponsors in diversifying trial leaders and executive committees
Lead: Dr. Stefano Corda (Bayer) Rapporteur: Rebecca Ortega (Women as One)
11:30 - 11:45 Report-back from breakout 3 No slides Prof. Martin Cowie and Rebecca Ortega
11:45 - 12:30  Summaries from 3 sessions and breakout groups
  • Wrap-up and take-home messages Actionable
  • Solutions for Inclusive Clinical Research
  • Next steps for a manuscript development
No slides 
 All Chairpersons
12:30 – End of Day  2