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Plenary meeting "Priorities for the evolution of medical device regulatory approval systems"

Location: Brussels - Belgium

17/04/2024 00:00 18/04/2024 00:00 Europe/Paris Plenary meeting "Priorities for the evolution of medical device regulatory approval systems"

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Objectives of the CRT Meeting 

This important event will explore possibilities for harmonisation of global medical device regulation, opportunities of priority access for health technology innovation and regulatory aspects of orphan devices. It is a follow-up meeting to a previous event on medical device regulation held in November 2022.

Related Reading 

View the article

Session Recordings

Day 1

Session 1

Session 2

Day 2

Session 3




Academic Chairpersons

  • Prof. Alan Fraser
  • Prof. Martine Gilard
  • Prof. Thomas F. Lüscher (ESC President-elect and ESC Chair of the CRT)
  • Prof. Piotr Szymanski
  • Prof. Stephan Windecker

Industry Chairpersons

  • Dr. Jennifer Franke (Philips)
  • Dr. Jana Kurucova (Edwards Lifesciences)
  • Prof. Eigil Samset (GE Healthcare)
  • Dr. Alphons Vincent (Medtronic)
Day 1:  17 April 2024  13:00–18:40 CEST 
Time Session Speaker
12:00-13:00 Arrival and buffet lunch
13:00-13:05 Welcome from the CRT Chairpersons Thomas F. Lüscher 
13:05-13:15 General introduction to the workshop Martine GilardStephan Windecker
13:15-13:40 A clinical academic perspective on the EU medical device regulatory system: how should it evolve? Alan Fraser
13:40-14:00 European Commission review of the implementation of the medical device regulations - challenges and proposals Mario Gabrielli CosselluPaul Piscoi

14:00 -17:10 - SESSION 1 – Priority access for health technology innovation

Moderated by: Stephan Windecker and Jana Kurucova (Edwards Lifesciences)

14:00-14:15 Regulatory approaches to facilitating device innovation Andrew Farb, FDA (via zoom)
14:15-14:30 Joint approval programme between the USA and Japan for innovative devices Mitchell Krucoff 
14:30-14:45 Panel discussion Piotr Szymanski Martine Gilard Changfu Wu, FDA (via zoom)
14:45-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-15:15 Patient’s perspective on accelerated approval pathways Inga Drossart (ESC Patient Forum)
15:15-15:30 Physician/innovator perspective on accelerated approval pathways Stephan von Bardeleben 
15:30-15:45 Industry perspective on the EU medical device regulatory system: how should it evolve? Andrea Rapagliosi (Edwards)

15:45-16:30  -  BREAKOUT SESSIONS 1

Moderated by: Piotr Szymanski and Jennifer Franke (Philips) 

  Group 1: What can Europe and FDA learn from each other?  Lead: Mitchell KrucoffRapporteur: Mario Grabelli Cosellu 
  Group 2: How to achieve predictable application of standards across EU notified bodies and expert panels Lead: Radosław Parma  
Rapporteur:  Marco Metra
  Group 3: How to achieve transparency of evidence and of regulatory reviews for medical devices in the EU Lead: Alan Fraser 
Rapporteur:  Lia Crotti
 16:30-16:40 Report from breakout session 1 – 10 mins Rapporteur: Mario Grabelli Cosellu 
 16:40-16:50 Report from breakout session 2 – 10 mins  Rapporteur:  Marco Metra
 16:50-17:00  Report from breakout session 3 – 10 mins  Rapporteur: Lia Crotti

SESSION 2 – Global harmonisation of device approval

Moderated by: Thomas F. Lüscher and Eigil Samset (GE Healthcare)

17:00-17:15 Global convergence of regulatory standards Bram Zuckerman, FDA (via zoom) 
17:15-17:30 Global cardiovascular device market  John Brennan (Medtronic)
17:30-17:45 Global access to medical devices

Leila Abid
17:45-18:00 International standards for medical devices – can they be produced and implemented globally? Ajay J Kirtane
18:00-18:15 Total lifecycle assessment - new devices, post market surveillance, device iterations and recertification Giulio Stefanini
 18:15-18:25 Wrap-up and summary day 1 – Outlook to day 2 Chairpersons
19:45 Dinner


Day 2:  18 April 2024  08:30–12:15 CEST





Summary of day 1

Stephan Windecker

8:40-12:10 - SESSION 3 – Orphan devices and unmet medical needs

Moderated by: Martine Gilard, Alphons Vincent (Medtronic)


Criteria for orphan device status - current proposals and definitions 

Donal O’Connor


Do proposed definitions meet the unmet needs of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons?

Patrick Myers


Evidence required for regulatory approval of orphan devices

Gearóid McGauran


Panel discussion 



Coffee break

10:15-11:15  -  BREAKOUT SESSIONS

Moderated by: Alan Fraser and Eigil Samset (GE Healthcare)  


Group 1: How to define unmet medical needs for devices 

Lead: Piotr Szymanski 

Rapporteur: Donal O’Conor 


Group 2: Provisional/conditional approval vs full approval  

 Lead: Robert Byrne 

Rapporteur: Archano Rao 


Group 3: How to increase effectiveness of the EU regulatory medical device evaluation system – priorities for further reform

Lead: Franz Weidinger
Rapporteur: Patrick Myers 

11:15 -11:30

Coffee break


Report from breakout session 1 – 10 mins

Rapporteur: Donal O’Conor 


Report from breakout session 2 – 10 mins 

Rapporteur: Archana Rao 


Report from breakout session 3 – 10 mins 

Rapporteur: Patrick Myers 

12:00 -12:10

Wrap-up, conclusions, next steps for publication




Buffet lunch and departures
