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Top 10 ESC stories in the news in 2022

ESC press releases that made the most headlines


Sophia Antipolis, 23 December 2022:  

Lifestyle, gender issues, and treatments were hot topics this year, with pick up of the latest science published in ESC journals and presented at ESC events. ESC Congress was a particularly popular news source, along with the Heart Failure congress and the ESC Asia with APSC & AFC congress.

The ESC stories that generated the most media coverage worldwide in 2022 were:

  1. Coffee drinking is associated with increased longevity (European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)
  2. Women urged to eat potassium-rich foods to improve their heart health (European Heart Journal)
  3. Polypill reduces cardiovascular events in heart attack patients compared to usual care (ESC Congress)
  4. Good sleepers have lower risk of heart disease and stroke (ESC Congress)
  5. Cardiovascular protection from statins greatly outweighs the risk of muscle symptoms (ESC Congress)
  6. Study highlights lifelong benefits of statin therapy (ESC Congress)
  7. Cannabis prescribed for pain linked with small risk of heart problems (ESC Congress)
  8. Air pollution linked to deadly heart rhythm disorder (Heart Failure congress)
  9. Premature menopause is associated with increased risk of heart problems (European Heart Journal)
  10. Women and men mistakenly given different advice to prevent heart disease (ESC Asia with APSC & AFC congress)


Check out all ESC press releases here.

Have a healthy and enjoyable holiday season. Stay tuned for more ESC science in 2023!




Authors: ESC Press Office
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About the European Society of Cardiology

The European Society of Cardiology brings together health care professionals from more than 150 countries, working to advance cardiovascular medicine and help people lead longer, healthier lives.