Therapeutic innovations to be revealed at arrhythmias conference
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Therapeutic innovations to be revealed at arrhythmias conference

EHRA EUROPACE – CARDIOSTIM is the event of the year for the latest developments in arrhythmias

Innovations in arrhythmias therapy are set to be revealed at EHRA EUROPACE – CARDIOSTIM 2015, held 21 to 24 June in Milan, Italy at the MiCo Milano Congressi.

Arrhythmias and Device Therapy


Sophia Antipolis, 21 May 2015: The joint meeting of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and Cardiostim is dedicated to arrhythmias, electrophysiology and device therapies. Download the ‘EHRA 2015’ mobile app here to view the most updated scientific programme, search for sessions and create your personal programme.

Professor Cecilia Linde, EHRA Chairperson of the Scientific Programme Committee, said: “This is the congress for journalists to attend to discover what’s new in the field of arrhythmias. International experts will discuss key innovations in cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), novel catheters for pulmonary vein isolation and technical innovations in ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation.”

Late breaking trials sessions will provide journalists with the very latest new information on trials and registries. An extensive abstract based programme will highlight new research in cardiac rhythm disorders, with the best studies chosen from more than 1 500 submissions. Selected abstracts will be presented orally in the Agora open area, with more science packed in than ever, in up to 10 shorter presentations per session.

A truly international event, more than 5 000 professionals working in the field of arrhythmias and electrophysiology from over 100 countries are expected to attend. During four days of scientific sessions journalists will discover cutting edge science firsthand on topics such as:

•    Arrhythmia side effects of cancer therapy, including cytostatic treatment and radiation
•    Preventing sudden cardiac death in sports arenas
•    The future of leadless pacing
•    Developments in subcutaneous and wearable defibrillators
•    Emerging smartphone applications for cardiac rhythm monitoring and cardiac imaging
•    New techniques for ablation of atrial fibrillation and VT
•    Preventing relapse after atrial fibrillation ablation with lifestyle changes and medication.

Debates will be held on controversial areas providing journalists with the pro and contra arguments. Hot topics are whether sports restrictions are needed in all young patients with long QT syndrome and whether electrophysiology studies should be mandatory in children and adolescents with Brugada syndrome.

For the first time there is a programme dedicated to allied professionals, giving journalists a fresh perspective on the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias. Presentations will be made on nightmare induced ventricular arrhythmia, resuming sexual life after a device implantation and new developments in technology for arrhythmia nursing.

Professor Linde said: “Arrhythmia management hinges on nurses, technicians, engineers and doctors working closely together. This addition to the programme has eight sessions in English and two in Italian and should attract a whole new type of professionals to the congress.”

The CRT Survey II will be launched during the congress.1 This joint initiative of EHRA and the Heart Failure Association of the ESC will investigate clinical practice in CRT device implantation in over 45 European countries. Data will be collected on criteria for patient selection, lead position, medication, follow-up and characteristics of implanting centres including research involvement and availability of imaging techniques.

Special sessions will focus on female patients with arrhythmias. Professor Linde said: “Women are different to men in how they experience arrhythmias and what treatment is needed. In addition, women are underrepresented in clinical trials testing new therapies. Leading figures will discuss the most up-to-date knowledge in this area such as how to treat arrhythmias in female athletes.”

Professor Linde said: “Journalists should save the date now for this exciting event which promises plenty of news in the fast moving field of cardiac arrhythmias.”



1 Dickstein K, Normand C, Anker SD, Auricchio A, Lundqvist CB, Bogale N, Cleland J, Filippatos G, Gasparini M, Gitt A, Hindricks G, Kuck KH, Ponikowski P, Stellbrink C, Ruschitzka F, Linde C. European cardiac resynchronization therapy survey II: rationale and design. Europace. 2015;17(1):137-141. doi: 10.1093/europace/euu312. Epub 2014 Nov 16.

Notes to editor

EHRA EUROPACE – CARDIOSTIM is an established, international conference attracting key opinion leaders, well-recognised scientists, physicians, allied professionals and industry.

About the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)
The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) represents more than 80 000 cardiology professionals across Europe and the Mediterranean. Its mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in Europe.

The European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) is a registered branch of the ESC. Its aim is to improve the quality of life of the European population by reducing the impact of cardiac arrhythmias and reduce sudden cardiac death.

Information for journalists attending EHRA EUROPACE - CARDIOSTIM 2015
EHRA EUROPACE – CARDIOSTIM 2015 will be held 21 to 24 June in Milan, Italy at the MiCo Milano Congressi. The full scientific programme is available here .

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