ESC Congress attendees from more than 52 countries will receive a complimentary copy of this enduring reference for their personal library. Additionally, the Goodwin Group International, LLC (publisher of MD Conference Express) will leverage its global network to help the ESC further expand the reach and impact of these important clinical findings through distribution of MD Conference Express in other countries.
“We expect much from this new partnership,” said Professor Roberto Ferrari, MD, ESC President 2008-2010. “MD Conference Express provides our conference attendees, as well as our member societies, with the added benefit of a peer-reviewed enduring reference from our congresses which they can use throughout the year. Through the global network of The Goodwin Group International, we are able to further expand the reach of the latest information from our congress to cardiologists and health care practitioners worldwide.”
MD Conference Express’ unique peer-review model has several important steps. First, content is selected by senior members of the ESC’s Congress Programme Committee (CPC). Content for the publication is written only from primary source data, which is referenced and meticulously checked for accuracy. MD Conference Express editors work closely with presenting faculty to provide the opportunity for a courtesy review of articles on their presentations. Finally, the publication is subjected to rigorous peer-review by a medical advisory board of world experts, ensuring that the resulting articles are of top quality and completely free of any bias.
“It is important for the ESC to have an official voice when speaking about the practice-changing advances presented at the ESC Congress,” said Professor Fausto Pinto, MD, CPC Chairman of ESC Congress 2010 in Stockholm. “MD Conference Express has earned the respect and support of many key opinion leaders and major medical societies. In naming MD Conference Express as our official post-congress highlights report, we feel confident that the ESC will provide our attendees and member societies with an authoritative, top-level reference of the key clinical findings from our ESC Congress.”
Copies of MD Conference Express will be distributed to attendees of the ESC conference and will be made available to ESC society members for local translation and distribution to their constituents – ultimately reaching more than 50,000 cardiologists and care givers across Europe. International physicians will have access to translated copies through The Goodwin Group International’s global operations.
“It is an honour to be associated with the European Society of Cardiology,” said Jennifer Goodwin, President of The Goodwin Group International, LLC. “We believe that, through this new collaboration with the ESC, we are closer to reaching our goal of connecting physicians around the world with the very best in clinical practice and making a difference in how they care for their patients.”