Collective intelligence sharing to benefit daily practice will form core of EuroPCR 2014
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Collective intelligence sharing to benefit daily practice will form core of EuroPCR 2014

Over 12,000 professionals in cardiovascular interventions to attend world-leading course

New online tools and resources will be presented, to customise solutions for the treatment of patients

07 May 2014, Paris, France:  The cornerstone of EuroPCR 2014 will be the sharing of collective interventional wisdom. To that effect, the combination of educational scientific sessions and a new offer of digital tools pertinent to the cardiovascular interventional community will provoke and inspire discussions among participants. This will ultimately match the mission of PCR, which is to serve the needs of each individual patient by helping the cardiovascular community to share knowledge, experience and practice. The meeting will be held 20–23 May 2014 at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France.

On a day-to-day basis, the international community of interventional cardiologists needs to integrate scientific evidence with practical skills and experience. Recognising this, PCR has developed a set of web-based tools and resources as a companion to daily practice so that physicians can stay current with the available research, devices, trial data and further personalise their postgraduate online education.

“We wish to share all the available evidence and collective wisdom that the community brings to us, in a format that is easily accessible and directly useful to teams,” said William Wijns, Chairman of PCR and Course Director of EuroPCR. “To this end, PCR is developing a number of tools and resources, such as the PCR Daily Companion, that are intended to help practitioners to craft customised solutions for the treatment of their patients.”

EuroPCR is the official annual course of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), an official association under the umbrella of the European Society of Cardiology. The programme is divided into five tracks—coronary interventions, peripheral interventions, interventions for structural heart disease, interventions for hypertension and heart failure, and a programme for nurses and technicians.

More than 12,000 delegates in interventional cardiovascular medicine from all over the world are expected to attend the meeting in Paris. The programme will be led by 719 faculty members from 68 different countries. During the four-day meeting, over 718 scientific papers (337 oral abstracts, 301 posters and 80 moderated posters) selected from 1052 submissions will be presented. There will also be 665 cases (420 oral presentations, 113 interactive cases and 132 in the Complications session), selected from 934 submissions, presented on a wide range of topics at the leading interventional medicine course. The programme includes 34 oral presentations on innovations and 47 late breaking clinical trials.

Highlights of the 2014 meeting include:

  • The latest research on factors impacting transcatheter aortic and mitral valve interventions
  • Factors affecting response to antiplatelet treatment
  • Data on long-term follow-up after drug-eluting stent implantation
  • New developments in treating in-stent thrombosis
  • New interventions for coronary and structural heart disease
  • Novel indications for use of bioresorbable scaffold technologies and
  • Status updates on planned and ongoing clinical trials


Notes to editor

For more information on this press release, please contact Isabelle Uzielli, email:

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What is EuroPCR?
EuroPCR, the official annual meeting of the European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, is the world-leading course in interventional medicine. PCR has established a distinctive format for educational activities in the field of cardiovascular interventions. Beyond its flagship course in Paris that gathers more than 12,000 participants every year, PCR organises annual courses in Singapore, London, Dubai and Cape Town.
For further information on EuroPCR, AsiaPCR/SingLIVE, PCR London Valves, GulfPCR-GIM, AfricaPCR & PCR, please contact: Anne-Sophie Lartigau at

For more information, please visit

About the European Society of Cardiology
The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) represents more than 80 000 cardiology professionals across Europe and the Mediterranean.  Its mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in Europe.