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Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand

The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand is an affiliated member of the European Society of Cardiology

Australia, AU


Structure 2024-2026

President: Prof. Mayanna Lund

Past-President: Prof. Stephen Nicholls

Honorary Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Prof. William Parsonage

Chief Executive Officer: Ms. Julianne James Smith

The board is made up of an elected member from each state of Australia and one from New Zealand (regions). In addition to the elected regional board members, there are representatives from various areas and specialties of cardiology - more details about the board.

Number of members: > 2500

Year of foundation: 1952

Year of ESC affiliation: 2008


The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand is the professional body for cardiologists and those working in area of cardiology including researchers, scientists, cardiovascular nurses, allied health professionals and other healthcare workers in our region.

The Society’s main activities involve:

  • Promotion of excellence in cardiology of education, training, research and practice in cardiovascular medicine and surgery in Australia and New Zealand.
  • development of position statements and guidelines for practice and maintenance of professional standards.
  • to provide advice to the Government on the development and descriptors for new item numbers and to advise on issues related to cardiology.
  • organisation of the largest annual scientific meetings held in our region (> 3,000 delegates).
  • funding and mentoring of research scholarships and travelling fellowships to encourage young investigators.

Our vision is to promote good fellowship among those whose primary interest is in the practice of cardiovascular medicine, surgery and allied areas and our activities seek to improve cardiovascular practice and promote the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease.


72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australian and New Zealand

1-4 August 2024 - Perth, Western Australia



The Society’s journal is Heart Lung and Circulation published by Elsevier. Since 2010, the journal is published monthly, and available online in full text.