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For the term May 2024 – May 2026


EAPCI Executive Committee

Title Name Country
President Prof. Alaide Chieffo, FESC Italy
President-Elect Prof. Martine Gilard, FESC France
Past President Prof. Emanuele Barbato, FESC Italy
Secretary Prof. Flavio Ribichini, FESC Italy
Treasurer Dr. Dejan Milasinovic Serbia
PCR Representative Prof. Salvatore Brugaletta, FESC Spain
PCR Representative Prof. Maciej Lesiak, FESC Poland

EAPCI Board Members

  • Editor-in-Chief of EuroIntervention journal, Assoc. Prof. Davide Capodanno, FESC - Italy
  • Committee Chairs nominated by the EAPCI Board
  • Ex-officio members (non-voting):
    • Committee co-Chairs
    • Other co-opted members invited by the Board, such as the EAPCI Pillars Chairs and Valve for Life oversight committee members.

Ex-Officio Board Members

Title Name Country
CEO ESC (non-voting) Mr. Jean-François Riffaud France
CEO Europa Organisation (non-voting) Mr. Marc Doncieux France
EAPCI Association Manager (non-voting) Ms. Violeta Perez Garcia France


EAPCI Structure and Committees

EAPCI Advocacy and Regulatory Affairs Pillar 

Pillar Chair: Dr. Marie-Claude Morice (France)

Oversees: EAPCI Patient Advocacy Committee, EAPCI Nurses & Allied Professionals Committee and EAPCI Gender and  Disparities Committee

EAPCI Patient Advocacy Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Dr. Stephane Manzo-Silberman France
Co-Chair Dr. Joanna J. Wykrzykowska The Netherlands
EAPCI Nurses & Allied Professionals Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Ms. Alison Dahlmann France
Co-Chair Ms. Angeliki Kolyda Greece
EAPCI Gender and Disparities Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Ass. Prof. Marta Izabela Kaluzna-Oleksy, FESC Poland
Co-Chair Dr. Giulia Masiero Italy

EAPCI Congress Pillar

Pillar Chair: Prof. Julinda Mehilli (Germany)

Oversees: EAPCI Educational Content, Courses & Webinars Committee and EAPCI Congress Committee

EAPCI Educational Content, Courses, Webinars Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Dr. Erik Rafflenbeul Germany
Co-Chair  Prof. Tom Johnson United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
EAPCI Congress Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Dr. Valeria Paradies The Netherlands
Co-Chair Dr. Mirvat Alasnag Saudi Arabia

EAPCI Education Pillar

Pillar Chair: Prof. Goran Stankovic (Serbia)

Oversees: EAPCI Fellowship Grants Committee, EAPCI Accreditation, Training & Certification Committee and EAPCI Young Committee

EAPCI Fellowship Grants Committee
Title Name Country
Chair  Dr. Benjamin Honton  France
Co-Chair Ass. Prof. Mohammed Saad Germany
EAPCI Accreditation, Training and Certification Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Prof. Nikos Werner Germany
Co-Chair Dr. Francesco Burzotta  Italy
EAPCI Young Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Dr. Mario Iannaccone Italy
Co-Chair Dr. Aleksandra Gasecka Poland

EAPCI Membership Pillar 

Pillar Chair: Dr. Jose Maria de la Torre Hernandez (Spain)

Oversees: EAPCI International Affairs & Partnership Committee, EAPCI Online & Communication Committee,  National Cardiac Societies Committee

EAPCI International Affairs & Partnership Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Dr. Stefan Harb Austria
Co-Chair Dr. Sarita Rao India
EAPCI Online & Communication Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Dr. Nicola Ryan Ireland
Co-Chair Ass. Prof. Ali Nazmi Calik Turkey
National Cardiac Societies Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Dr. Francesco Saia Italy
Co-Chair Ass. Prof. Michal Hawranek Poland

EAPCI Science & Research Pillar

Chair: Prof. Marco Valgimigli (Switzerland)

Oversees: EAPCI Research Initiatives & Innovation Committee, EAPCI Valvular and Structural Heart Interventions Committee, and EAPCI Scientific Documents Committee

EAPCI Research Initiatives & Innovation Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Prof. Giulio Stefanini Italy
Co-Chair Prof. Piotr Buszman, FESC Poland
EAPCI Valvular and Structural Heart Interventions Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Prof. Nicole Karam France
Co-Chair Dr. Fabien Praz Switzerland
EAPCI Scientific Documents Committee
Title Name Country
Chair Prof. Felix Mafhoud Germany
Co-Chair Ass. Prof. Anna Franzone  Italy


For more information on EAPCI Committees Members 2024-2026 click here

For information on the EAPCI Board or to contact one of the board members, please contact us.