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EACVI Expert Advisory Groups

The EACVI Research and Innovation Committee can provide advice on how to improve a research project (to be submitted for EACVI endorsement), including study design, data management, and statistical analysis to be included in the methods section of the project draft.

To this end, we have established a preliminary panel of experts in each category, which are listed below.

Please refer to the Rules and Templates for Research Proposals web page for more information on what we can or cannot help with.


In case you need assistance with your research project, please use this form to contact us: 

EACVI Research & Innovation Committee contact request form

Evaluation group (initial screening and evaluation of the research proposals submitted for EACVI endorsement)


Danilo Neglia (Italy) and Ana Timoteo (Portugal)  


Marc Dweck (United Kingdom), Rocco Friebel (United Kingdom), Julien Magne (France), other R&I Committee Members… 

Clinical research


Julien Magne (France) 


Celeste McCracken (United Kingdom), Riccardo Liga (Italy), Zahra Raisi-Estabragh (United Kingdom)

Health economics


Rocco Friebel (United Kingdom)


Alex Carter (United Kingdom), Cornelia Henschke (Germany), Valentina Lorenzoni (Italy), Laia Maynou (Spain), Giuseppe Turchetti (Italy)

Pre-Clinical research


Patricia Iozzo (Italy)


Alessio Alogna (Germany), Daniele Panetta (Italy), Arti Ramkisoensing (United Kingdom)

Biomarkers and BioImaging Banks


Juhani Knuuti (Finland)


Chiara Caselli (Italy), Bernard Cosyns (Belgium), Silvia Rocchiccioli (Italy)

Imaging Technology and Artificial Intelligence


Marton Kolossvary (Hungary)


Filippo Cademartiri (Italy), Ricardo Ladeiras Lopes (Portugal), Robert Manka (Switzerland), Luca Menichetti (Italy)