Call for applications
The EACVI Research & Innovation Committee invites all active research centres in the field of cardiovascular imaging interested in participating in a research network to apply to be included in the Directory of Cardiovascular Imaging Research Centres.
The eligibility criteria are as follows:
- Willingness to consider participation in collaborative EACVI Research projects (completely funded by external sources or co-funded by the Centre)
- Availability for large research studies
- Interest in networking with centres from other countries
- Previous publications and/or awards in the field of cardiovascular imaging
- Previous participation in collaborative projects
- Approval to share the information on the EACVI website (Directory of Research Active Centres)
The application must include the following information:
- The above eligibility criteria
- Cardiovascular imaging modalities available in the Centre
- Type of research activities done in the Centre (preclinical, clinical, technical)
- Main fields of research interest
- Availability for hosting research fellowship/training opportunities dedicated to young researchers
- Official approval from the Director of the Centre to participate in this call
- Contact person with contact details