In memoriam - Maurizio Galderisi
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In memoriam - Maurizio Galderisi

maurizio-galderisi-2020.jpgMaurizio Galderisi was 65, and a Professor of Medicine at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy.

He began his career there at the end of the 1970s, in the Cardiology Service led by Prof. Oreste de Divitiis in the Institute of Internal Medicine, and working with his mentor, Prof. Giovanni de Simone. He quickly developed a keen interest in non-invasive cardiology, especially early echocardiography. In the late 1980s, he spent his sabbatical year working with the Framingham Heart Study where he developed important research on diabetic cardiomyopathy, signing the first epidemiological study on this key topic.

Over the years, Prof. Galderisi’s scientific contributions were exceptional. He was a pioneer in many new ultrasonic techniques, including strain imaging and the now-widespread handheld ultrasound (POCUS). His fame as a cardiologist and echocardiographer knew no boundaries. He was called upon to co-sign many intercontinental guidelines (American and European). He became Vice-President of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), the largest and most influential scientific society in the field, and this year he would have been running for the position of President.

Prof. Galderisi was at the forefront of understanding the importance of systematic cardiovascular control in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. He promoted the establishment of a Council on Cardio-Oncology within the European Society of Cardiology and was responsible for the Program of Cardiological Surveillance of Hematologic-Oncologic Patients at the Federico II University Hospital in Naples. Alongside his scientific commitments, he spent considerable time teaching and training students, fellows and residents. He raised a group of extraordinary cardiologists-internists with great instrumental skills.

Prof. Maurizio Galderisi was a splendid person of great generosity and availability to his peers, patients and fellows. His passing has shocked Italy, as many newspapers have reported the tragic news. This loss hits the scientific community and causes immense grief to his many friends.


Read this personal tribute from the ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology, which Prof. Galderisi helped establish.