Honorary members of the EACVI
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Honorary members of the EACVI

Since 2009, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), has established an Honorary Membership programme as a special acknowledgement awarding distinguished experts in the field of Cardiovascular Imaging, who have contributed substantially and have exceptional merits in matters of cardiac imaging.

List of EACVI Honorary members

  • 2009: Alessandro Distante, founder of EuroEcho
  • 2010: Fausto Pinto, founder and first President of the European Association of Echocardiography
  • 2011: Jos R.T.C. Roelandt, founder and editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Echocardiography
  • 2012: Liv Hatle, for all she has brought to the Echo Community
  • 2013: Antony DeMaria, Editor of JACC
  • 2014: Miguel Angel Garcia Fernandez, for his historical role in Echocardiography
  • 2015: Alan Fraser as Past President of the European Association of Echocardiography and an important actor in the field of Echocardiography
  • 2016: Otto Smiseth, a very active researcher with seminal contributions in the field of cardiac imaging
  • 2017: Harvey Feigenbaum, for his historical role as a pionner in the field of echocardiography and as a leading scientist in this field for decades
  • 2018: Genevieve Derumeaux, for her historical role in the field and contribution as a leading scientist for decades
  • 2019: Luc Pierard, for his dedication and contribution to the field of Echocardiography
  • 2020: Frank Rademakers, in appreciation for his time and efforts in the development of the field of cardiac imaging