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Making National and European CVD health plans a reality

The Advocacy and National Societies Committees are calling on members to support the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) campaign for a European CVD health plan. With European Parliament elections taking place on 6-9 June, this is the time to make your voice heard.

Cardiovascular Nursing

Appeal to support a Cardiovascular Health Plan for all

European CVD Health plan.jpgAs part of the EACH campaign, the ESC Advocacy Committee, which includes ACNAP representation, has been actively seeking to have EU Political Groups commit to action on cardiovascular health as part of their campaign promises for the 2024 elections. The European People's Party Group (EPP Group), the largest political group in the European Parliament, in an exclusive interview with ESC President Prof. Franz Weidinger, recently made such a commitment.

We need to demonstrate to policymakers that on-the-record commitment to supporting plans that will materially benefit our community and patients are positively received. To that end we ask any colleagues that have accounts on the social media platforms below to voice their support for this initiative.

Every like, comment and repost helps to show policymakers that cardiovascular health is not just a topic of vital importance to all our countries, but also a topic that can be politically popular. Every positive comment by you as respected professionals in the field of cardiovascular health will encourage them to take more ambitious action.

While it may seem a small step, we urge you to help spread the word that every country needs a strategy to combat the world's leading cause of death!


Please feel free to add your comments of support to any of the following posts, using #votehealth2024 and tagging @ACNAPPresident and @escardio:

EPPGroup Post on X
EPPGroup Post on Facebook

Contact us

Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP)

European Society of Cardiology

European Heart House
Les Templiers
2035 Route des Colles
CS 80179 Biot

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