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ACNAP President looks back on 2023

Cardiovascular Nursing

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As the year draws to a close, I wish to reflect on the endeavors and initiatives that have engaged ACNAP volunteers over the past twelve months. I extend my gratitude to both the volunteers and the broader ACNAP Members and community for their unwavering commitment to our mission and objectives.

The highlight in the ACNAP calendar was the ACNAP congress, which took place in Edinburgh in June. The Inaugural Reception at Edinburgh Castle was a memorable gathering, uniting over 200 members of our community. We were honored to host the Scottish Minister for Health, Jenny Pinto, and ESC President, Franz Weidinger.

ACNAP Congress 2023, Edinburgh


Additionally, we celebrated Prof. Tiny Jaarsma's significant contribution to ACNAP as she was presented with the first ever Distinguished Service to ACNAP Award.

From left to right: Jenny Pinto (Scottish Minister for Health),Tiny Jaarsma, Izabella Uchmanowicz (ACNAP President 2022-24), Franz Weidinger (ESC President 2022-24)

The congress itself was a resounding success, featuring a multidisciplinary programme and renowned speakers. We eagerly anticipate reuniting our community in Wroclaw in June 2024, with abstract submissions and registration already open.

It is not always feasible to meet in-person meetings but we embrace the opportunity to connect online. I hope you were able to join our online networking event on 1 December, and we look forward to more upcoming online events starting in February.

ACNAP is dedicated to providing educational and informative content year-round. This year, we published the Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions Core Curriculum, conducted five webinars, and launched the ACNAP Cardio Talk with Allied Professionals podcast series. Feel free to take a look at all we have achieved.

Our volunteers have actively contributed to over ten scientific publications on various relevant topics. I encourage you to read the most recently published articles and anticipate more publications in the new year.

Lastly, our Young and National Societies Committees have undertaken several projects, fostering a robust community.

If you haven't already done so, follow us on social media via our X and LinkedIn groups for real-time updates on events and news.

Wishing you a delightful holiday season, and I look forward to building an even stronger community in the coming year.


Kind regards,


Izabella Uchmanowicz
ACNAP President 2022-2024.