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Joint session with ACNAP at Cardio-oncology Nurses Symposium: Taking the patient’s perspective into account

Cardiovascular Nursing


Cardio-oncology Symposium 2023.PNG

The recent Cardio-oncology Nurses Symposium was held in Madrid over 3 days in September 2023 with over 200 international attendees with a separate day for a nurses symposium. This Cardio-oncology Nurses Symposium was held at La Paz Hospital and was attended by over 70 nurses.

As well as sessions on the first ESC Cardio-oncology Guidelines (published in 2022) and on managing cardiovascular conditions in active cancer treatment, there was a joint session with ACNAP on taking the patient’s perspective into account. This session included a presentation by a patient, Richard Stephen who spoke about the patient version of the cardio-oncology guidelines and the key role that nurses play in educating and advising patients and their families. Gerry Lee, who is the nurse and allied health professional representative on the ESC Council of Cardio-Oncology, provided an overview of the quality indicators in cardio-oncology care and how we can improve the standard of care in oncology patients and cancer survivors treated with cardiotoxic cancer therapies and radiotherapy.