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ACNAP celebrates International Nurses Day

To celebrate International Nurses Day, the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP) Committees have highlighted some key initiatives which support the ACNAP mission of building excellence within cardiovascular nursing.

Cardiovascular Nursing

What does International Nurses Day mean to you?

ACNAP_International Nurses Day 2024.jpgJoin us in celebrating International Nurses Day by watching this video where ACNAP Members explain what it means to them! 

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Celebrating your ACNAP Committees!

What have your committees and task forces being doing to support ACNAP's mission?


Advocacy Committee

Communication Committee

Congress Programme Committee

  • We create a unique congress experience every year while sharing knowledge and smiles! ACNAP Congress 2024: discover the programme we have created for you and join us in Wroclaw!
  • Find all the congress materials from ACNAP Congress 2023 on ESC 365

Education Committee

Membership and Communities Committee

National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies Committee

Science Committee

Young Community (YoCo) Committee

ESC Task Force on Allied Professions


Find out more about ACNAP


Contact us

Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP)

European Society of Cardiology

European Heart House
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CS 80179 Biot

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