Share your COVID-19 story
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Share your COVID-19 story

Nurses- covid_WEB.jpgOver the past months, nurses and allied professionals all over the world have been taking action and developing many initiatives to face the COVID-19 crisis, while taking care of their patients and loved ones.

In these challenging times, ACNAP wants to highlight the importance of the role of nurses and allied professionals in patient care by sharing stories, promoting creative ideas, innovative learning ways, lessons learned, and many more.

Your stories matter, and we want your voices to be heard.

Who can submit?

ACNAP Silver Members who wish to share their experience can submit for free as many stories as they want. 

What to submit?

You can submit anything you think is important to share including creative ideas, initiatives, outstanding work, and even unpredictable fun stories. Here are some ideas that might inspire you:

  • Daily practice: How has COVID-19 affected your patient journey? Has your role changed in your country since the pandemic started?
  • Educational: Whether you are a student, tutor or mentor, what kind of adaptation was needed?
  • Human experience: What is your new daily routine? Are there any positive lessons? Anything else that you would like to share with the rest of the world?
  • Support: Did you receive any unprecedented support from your community, institution, or colleagues?
  • Scientific perspective: Any studies or papers related to patient care and COVID-19 you would like to share.

Ready to share?

If you are interested in sharing your story, you can fill in a submission form by uploading a Word document (approx. 1,000 words).


Our team will then review it and get back to you for a potential publication on the ACNAP newsletter and/or the webpage.

Note: Do not include any information on your story, including identifying details, that you don’t want to share publicly. Please read the Data Privacy indicated in the submission form.

Should you have any questions please contact us:

Access stories

From Rafaela Batista dos Santos Pedrosa, professor, Brazil

Brazilian nursing and the COVID-19 pandemic challenges

From Rulla, intensive care and cardiac nurse, Israel

A personal experience of a nurse attending to severely ill COVID-19 patients

From Bruno Delgado, rehabilitation nurse, Portugal

Impact of Covid-19 on quality of life of phase II of cardiac rehabilitation patients

From Shirley Ingram, advanced nurse practitioner, registered nurse prescriber (cardiology), Ireland

The Integrated community chest pain clinic: moving chest pain assessment from the hospital to the community; timely response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland

From Abdellateef Mohammed, RN. CVT. advanced nurse, Sudan

My COVID-19 story in one of the major heart and chest hospitals in Sudan

From Richard Lamphier, RN, President of the Georgia Nurses Association (GNA), United States

COVID-19 Pandemic: Georgia Nurses Association Response (State of Georgia, USA)

From Norma Caples, national lead nurse in heart failure programme, Ireland

The impact of telemedicine on heart failure patients in Ireland

From Angela Massouh, PhD, MScN, CNS, FHFA, American University of Beirut

COVID-19 response in Lebanon amidst a financial collapse, the third largest blast, and resource scarcity