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Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions (ACNAP)


The ACNAP Board for the term 2024-2026

Leonie Klompstra.jpg

"My vision for the ACNAP mandate 2024-2026 is to be the leading voice for cardiovascular nurses and allied professionals, advancing patient care through excellence in leadership, research, education, and person-centred practices. Our journey ahead is guided by these main objectives : (1) strengthen person-centred care through patient involvement; (2) enhance leadership in cardiovascular nursing and allied professions; (3) advance professional development and education; (4) foster innovation and research in cardiovascular care; and (5) strengthen organisational sustainability and financial growth.”

Doctor Leonie Klompstra, ACNAP President 2024-2026

Voting members

Executive Officers 

President: Leonie Klompstra, FESC Sweden

President-Elect: Julie Sanders, FESC United Kingdom

Immediate Past-President: Izabella Uchmanowicz, FESC, FHFA Poland

Secretary-Treasurer: Michela Barisone, Italy

Other Board Members

Environmental Officer: Ana Filipa Gomes, Portugal

Liaison Officer: Maggie Simpson, FESC, United Kingdom

Ordinary Board Member: Maria Back, FESC, Sweden

Ordinary Board Member: Stefan Tino Kulnik, Austria

Non-voting members

Committee Chairs

Advocacy Committee Chair: Faye Forsyth, United Kingdom

Congress Programme Committee Chair: Eleni Kletsiou, Greece

Communication Committee Chair: Mariela Acuna Mora, Sweden

Education Committee Chair: Valentino Oriolo, FESC, United Kingdom

Membership & Communities Committee Chair: Norma Caples, Ireland

National Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions Societies Committee Chairs:

  • Catherine Ross, FESC, United Kingdom
  • Bruno Miguel Delgado, Portugal

Science Committee Chair: Jeroen Hendriks, FESC, Netherlands (The)

Young Community (YoCo) Committee Chair: Martha Kyriakou, Cyprus

Ex-Officio Members

EJCN Editor-in-Chief: Philip Moons, FESC, Belgium

Chairperson of the ESC Task Force on Allied Professions: Catherine Ross, FESC, United Kingdom

ESC CEO: Jean-François Riffaud, France

Other Board Members

 Representative of the ESC Patient Forum: Françoise Steinbach, France


General Assembly report 2022-2024