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ACVC Talks on Acute Myocardial Infarction

Everything you need to know about acute myocardial infarction

This serie of clinical-case based talks facilitates learning and discussing potential differences between North America and Europe in the management and treatment of acute myocardial infarction.

This programme is delivered by ACVC experts, young ACVC Members and key North American experts, members of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA), and our sister societies (ERC, EUSEM and ESCIM).



STEMI: Pre-hospital triage - direct to cath lab or first to ER/ICU/CCU 

Learning objective: to understand that early diagnosis and reperfusion therapy is the key to improving outcome in patients with STEMI.

  Restricted to ACVC Silver Member

Moderators: Steen Kristensen (DK) – Europe / ACVC expert & Abdo Khoury (FR) - Europe / EUSEM expert
Case presenter: Shifan Thangavel (DK) - Young ACVC
Discussant: Tim Henry (US) - North American expert 

STEMI: Thrombolysis, pharmaco-invasive approach or primary PCI

Learning objective: to discuss the best reperfusion strategy for STEMI patients if PPCI cannot be provided within 120 minutes.

  Restricted to ACVC Silver Member

Moderator: Kurt Huber (AT) – Europe / ACVC expert 
Case: Jamol Uzokov (Uzbekistan ) - Young ACVC
Discussant: Rob Welsh (CA) - North American expert 

Cardiogenic shock in STEMI: Culprit lesion only or multivessel PCI

Learning objective: to discuss the invasive revascularisation strategy in STEMI patients with cardiogenic shock

  Restricted to ACVC Silver Member

Moderator:  Holger Thiele – Europe / ACVC expert 
Case: Kasper Kyhl (DK) - Young ACVC
Discussant: Cindy Grines (US) - North American expert 

Treatment of cardiogenic shock in the cath lab

Learning objective: to discuss the optimal use of medical therapy and circulatory support in STEMI patients with cardiogenic shock.

  Restricted to ACVC Silver Member

Moderator: Guido Tavazzi Europe / ACVC expert 
Case: Krishnaraj Rathod (UK) - Young ACVC
Discussant: Navin Kapur (US) - North American expert 

STEMI: Secondary prevention with antiplatelet therapy after myocardial infarction

Learning objective: to discuss the options for antiplatelet therapy after acute myocardial infarction to obtain the best possible balance between prevention of ischaemic events and minimising bleeding.

Free for everyone

Moderator: Konstantin Krychtiuk – Europe / ACVC expert 
Case: Maria Stratinaki (GR)- Young ACVC
Discussant: Roxana Mehran (US) - North American expert