Composition of the group
Study group leadership
- Chair: Sergio Leonardi
- Co-Chair: Chris Gale
- Past Chair: François Schiele
Study group members
- Xavier Rossello
- Suleman Aktaa
- Claudio Montalto
Publications 2015-2016
Quality indicators for acute myocardial infarction: A position paper of ACVC
- To promote QoC as one of the main objectives of the ACVC
- To continuously integrate QoC into various ACVC and ESC initiatives (textbooks, guidelines, congress programmes, workshops, webinars)
- To develop dedicated PM to assess QoC in various acute situations such as acute coronary syndromes, acute heart failure, acute arrhythmias and acute pulmonary embolism.
- To produce position papers on the topic.
- To design, promote and participate in a multicentre registry to assess QoC in specific acute cardiac situations.
- To report on quality assessment to public health administrations, Insurance companies, the press (lay and specialised), patients and the general population.
Activities, achievements and future projects
- Definition of PMs for acute myocardial infarction: started May 2014, first poll May 2014, draft for definition Q4 2014, position paper submission Q2 2015.
- Definition of PMs for acute heart failure: Group modification with additional members who are experts in HF (chair and members) September 2014; draft for PM definition Q2 2015, position paper submission Q4 2015.
- Other clinical situations: To be determined.
- PM assessment: proposal for specific variables to be added to an ACCA(ACVC) registry;
- Reporting of data to scientific community, administrators, press and public