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Number of Cath operators working in your centre: 10
Number of interventionists in your centre: 10
Additional comments:
PCI Procedures
Number of cath procedures performed each year in the centre: 4000
Number of PCIs performed each year in the centre: 2924
24/7 Primary PCI service in the centre?: Yes
Number of Primary PCIs performed per year in the centre: 1967
Techniques and Quality
Techniques available in the centre:
Subtechniques available in the centre:
IVUS, Coronary angiography, CTO PCI, Rotational atherectomy, FFR/iFR, Volume of radial activity
Centre affiliated to a quality insurance programme:
Centre participate in scientific studies:
Centre participate in national/international registries:
Yes, both national and international
Centre participate in randomised clinical trials:
Centre has Peer reviewed scientific publications?:
Number of articles related to interventional cardiology published by the centre in the last 5 years: 10
Scientific fields of interests:
Indication for Treatment and Patient Selection, Management of Percutaneous Intervention Complications, Procedural Techniques
Fellowship programme
Number of local fellows in interventional cardiology who attend the centre: 0
Number of international fellows accepted by the centre (per year): 2
Type of fellowship offered by the centre: Clinical
Possibility to develop a thesis during the stay:
Does the centre have a specific fellowship program with defined objectives?:
Language(s) used to perform clinical activity: