ACVC Research Prize 2016 edition (Lisbon, PR)
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ACVC Research Prize 2016 edition (Lisbon, PR)

Leveraging research into the field of Acute Cardiovascular Care, the ACVC Research Prize is a competitive highly prestigeous annual prize for unpublished research in the field.

"Following the overwhelming success of the inaugural ACVC Research Prize in Acute Cardiovascular Care, ACVC is dedicated to the further development and support of excellent research and is looking forward to receive your best research in the field of acute cardiovascular care cardiovascular care for evaluation for the 2018 edition of the ACCA Research Prize"

Dr. Ingo Ahrens, ACVC Scientific Committee member and initiator of the ACVC Research Prize

ACVC Research Prize 2016 edition

Four finalists selected from the highest scoring abstracts presented their unpublished work in this dedicated session. The winner of the ACVC Research Prize in Acute Cardiovascular Care was announced at the end of the session and the prize (3000 Euros) and diploma was handed over by ACCA president Prof. Hector Bueno.  

The ACVC Research Prize in Acute Cardiovascular Care is a highly competitive and prestigious annual prize for unpublished research. The young and fast growing Acute Cardiovascular Care Association is the primary scientific community for research in the field of acute cardiovascular care. With the successful establishment of the annual research prize, ACCA confirms its role as the leading scientific association in acute cardiovascular care leveraging clinical and translational research in the field.

The ACVC research prize was released for the first time in Geneva 2014.

Discover the Winner

Annop Shah

(Edinburgh, United Kingdom):

"High-sensitivity cardiac troponin testing and the diagnosis of myocardial infarction"

High-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays may improve the diagnosis of myocardial infarction, but increase the detection of myocardial injury in patients without acute coronary syndrome. Across two independent Emergency Department cohort of consecutive patients we evaluated how troponin testing would impact on the diagnosis of myocardial infarction.

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“"The ESC ACVC 2016 conference was fantastic. It was a great honour to be short listed and I was delighted to be awarded the ACVC Research Prize. The session was a perfect platform to convey latest research in cellular biology, translational work and clinical medicine. Overall the sessions were a great educational resource especially the workshops for trainees. Look forward to the next ESC ACCA 2018 in Milan!"

And the 3 finalists

Can Tepeköylü (Innsbruck, Austria)

"It was a great honour and privilege for me that our work was chosen as finalist for the ACVC research prize . The session was a fabulous forum for the presentation of innovative research projects. All participants presented their excellent work with great compassion, and I can imagine how hard it was for the jury to select a winner. The discussion following the presentations was interesting and intense. All together a great experience! „

"Shock waves regenerate ischemic myocardium via exosome release"

read the abstract

 Maximilian Mauler (Freiburg, Germany)
"Pharmacologic depletion of platelet serotonin improves the outcome after myocardial reperfusion injury"

 read the abstract

Philipp Emanuel Bartko (Vienna, Autria)
"Impact of right-ventricular performance in patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation following cardiac surgery"

read the abstract