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Publications at ESC Congress 2023

Welcome to our ESC Publications’ page dedicated to ESC Congress 2023, highlighting our congress activities, articles making news now, and articles that have helped support our ESC Journal Family’s strength.

ESC Journals Track: Come along on Saturday, 26 August to The Hub – Mondrian for a star-studded journals-dedicated day around the theme of HF. Then, step into the future on Sunday morning when EHJ - Digital Health presents their most influential articles on the Digital Health stage.

Simultaneous publications: A continuously updated list of cutting-edge articles and ESC Guidelines published at the same time as their related congress sessions.

Top-cited articles: Access those articles most cited by you, the cardiovascular community, and see what you have considered cite-worthy across our entire journal family.

In Amsterdam?: See what we are doing at the congress and where to meet us.

Updates from our publishers: Links to our publisher’s’ congress pages where immediate (post-embargo) access to simultaneous publications is possible, as well as a host of other offers and services.


Journal sessions not to be missed

On 26 August

The ESC Journal Family: focus on heart failure
Joint session with the European Heart Journal (EHJ)

Filippo Crea Teresa Lopez-Fernandez Ileana Pina Marianna Adamo Eloi Marijon  Otto Smiseth Thomas Thum

European Heart Journal - Desmond Julian Award
Joint session with the European Heart Journal (EHJ)

Filippo Crea Barbara Casadei

The EHJ’s year in cardiovascular medicine: dyslipidaemias, imaging, ischaemic heart disease
Joint session with the European Heart Journal (EHJ)

Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen Lina Badimon Lale Tokgozoglu Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci Rasha Al-Lamee

Ageing in the heart of Cardiovascular Research: from basic mechanisms to clinical targeting
Joint session with the European Heart Journal (EHJ) - Cardiovascular Research
Carol Ann Remme Daniela Carnevale Stephanie Dimmeler Ulf Landmesser Judith Sluimer

The EHJ’s year in cardiovascular medicine: cardio-oncology, heart failure, and arrhythmias
Joint session with the European Heart Journal (EHJ)

Filippo Crea Cecilia LindeTeresa Lopez-Fernandez  Johann Bauersachs Harry Crijns

On 27 August

The best of The European Heart Journal – Digital Health 2022-2023
Joint session with the European Heart Journal - Digital Health (EHJ - DH)

 Nico Bruining Lis Neubeck Zachi Attia  Demilade Adedinsewo Robert Mathew Anthony Van Der BoonFabian Theurl Hongxing Luo 


Simultaneous Publications

21 August

25 August

26 August

27 August

28 August





In Amsterdam? Discover our activities

The ESC Publications Stand is situated after the Registration Hall in the Lounge & Exchange Area next to the ESC Shop.

We shall be selling 2023 and all preceding years’ pocket guideline titles, as well as sharing key information on all of our journals and books.

Any information or guidance that you require can be requested and as always, we shall be happy to assist you with any ESC publications related challenges.

Access our publishers' highlights

OUP Dedicated ESC Congress 2023 hub that includes content collections and special offers

