PAD/LEAD - Theme from the E-Journal of Cardiology Practice
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PAD/LEAD - Theme from the E-Journal of Cardiology Practice

At present, the prevalence of peripheral artery disease (PAD, also abbreviated today as LEAD or lower extremity artery disease) is much higher than anticipated. PAD is of great concern because, even when asyptomatic, it is a manifestation of atherosclerosis and thus causes an important increase in total cardiovascular risk. PAD can quite easily be diagnosed by the cardiologist in their practice by history taking and clinical examination followed by non-invasive tests. Medical treatment is very helpful in decreasing the total risk. Recently, newer trends in interventional treatments have also become available.

These articles look at the state-of-the-art in our understanding and management of PAD/LEAD today.

D.L. Clement, Editor-in-chief, E-journal

Articles on this Theme


