Consensus and Position Papers on Arrhythmias and Electrophysiology
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Consensus and Position Papers on Arrhythmias and Electrophysiology

European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)

EHRA has published in the past years a number of scientific documents in collaboration with the main players in the field of arrhythmias, systematically publishing them in EP Europace.

Since 2008, EHRA has also produced scientific documents in collaboration with different organisations – HRS, ACC, AHA, ESC, APHRS, LAHRS,...– and is continually launching task forces to tackle new and challenging scientific topics.

Today EHRA continues to cover new areas of interest in the field and to produce scientific statements and clinical consensus statements. 

The EHRA Scientific Documents committee invites you to submit your proposal and get the opportunity to have your topic selected among the next EHRA documents.  

EHRA Key Messages App

EHRA Key Messages App

This apps contains the principal messages of our scientific documents, providing highlights in a concise, accessible format.



