ESC Guidelines on Syncope (Diagnosis and Management of)
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2018 Guidelines for Diagnosis/Management of Syncope

ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines

The 2018 ESC Guidelines for Syncope consist of a full text, supplementary data giving further explanation on specific points, and web-practical instructions. Advice is given on how to evaluate patients with loss of consciousness (LOC) and how to perform and interpret tests properly: tracings, videos, flow charts, and checklists are provided. While the full text gives formal, evidence-based recommendations according to the standard rules of the ESC, the new supplementary data allow expansion of the content into practical issues, filling the gap between the best available scientific evidence and the need for dissemination of these concepts into clinical practice. ('We have the knowledge: we need to teach it'.)

Syncope and Bradycardia
Arrhythmias and Device Therapy

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Scientific Presentation at ESC Congress 2018

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ESC TV Interview

The essentials of the Guidelines in less than four minutes.

Slide set

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